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I went to a marvellous party...

Post 1


Thank you to everyone who made the party on Saturday such a success. Despite calling Anne Karen for the first half an hour and my dodgy interpretation of the rules of softball, it was a roaring success. Thanks to God for the biblical style downpour!

I had a great time and I hope everyone else did too!

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 2

Demon Drawer

If it was biblical style how come no Ark came to rescue us from Hyde Park. smiley - winkeye

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 3


my point exactly - still full marks to Matt the deputy bar manager at the Mitre for not batting an eyelid when 43 drowning people walked into his bar and started dripping on his customers!!

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 4

Dancing Ermine

Maybe if we bring along GOD( )himself next time? smiley - winkeye

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 5

Derelict Hamster

Wow. If only I'd seen an Ark I wouldn't now be derelict. smiley - sadface

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 6

Dancing Ermine

There was an Ark but the "Hyde P" was hiding it.smiley - bigeyes

*DE Not seeing the wood for the trees*

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 7



I went to a marvellous party...

Post 8

Dead Frog

I am Dead, and no-one's groaned like when I died. smiley - sadface


I went to a marvellous party...

Post 9

Dancing Ermine

Well perhaps on aggregate... smiley - winkeye

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 10


I'm really, REALLY sorry I missed it. But I had a date at the Alberh Hall that I couldn't get out of. I'm glad everyone had a great time even if you did get wet.

43 in the pub! Isn't that one too many?

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 11


Peta was threatening to send one person home smiley - winkeye

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 12


I'm glad it wasn't me then! It would have been rather a long way to go!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 13


lolsmiley - smiley

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 14

Demon Drawer

Ditto to Shazz's comment. smiley - smiley

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 15


BTW Peta : those t-shirts cost 42 guilders... smiley - bigeyes


I went to a marvellous party...

Post 16


What's that in Euros?

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 17


Arghh! Hold on while I get my calculator! I seem to have a split personality again! Help!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 18

Demon Drawer

Waits with baited breathe.

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 19


OK!! Somewhere between 23 and 25 euro's!! Not that anyone really wanted that useless piece of information!!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

I went to a marvellous party...

Post 20

Demon Drawer

True but it wsa good watching you swaet. 2.8 megs and counting. smiley - smiley

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