This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here

Haven't seen any Guidelines so here goes

Post 1

I'm not really here

I'm not voting for the party I voted for last time because I haven't seen the woman who got in, ever. Only in photos where she's posing for publicity. There was a bloke who was very busy last time, who I think got in but I'm really not sure how things work so I probably thought I was voting for him. Maybe he did get in? I don't know. I'm confused.

So I'll probably pop in and write 'None of the Above' and X that.

But I *will* be having my say on AV. Not least because I'm sick to death of cats, biscuits, children, films etc all being used to explain it.

Haven't seen any Guidelines so here goes

Post 2


What is AV?

I'm trying to imagine something equally well (or badly) by cats, biscuits, children and films, and which is related to elections smiley - weird

Haven't seen any Guidelines so here goes

Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

AV= Alternative vote; a kind of Proportional representation version of a voting system; We're (in the UK), having a referenda on weather to get rid of our current voting system (first past the post), and replacing it with AV.

I have, against my better judgement, seemingly to vote for a local counciler this time, who represents a political party I loath... mainly because they're the only people locally who are against the current raping of our environment by chopping down every tree in the city... They're seemingly the only people who're actively stating they're going to stop this removal of trees from the city smiley - huhsmiley - headhurts All the adds for and against the AV are doing my head in too... both sides are just attempting to appeal to the lowest common factor, and are twisting facts to suit their ends in totally un-good ways smiley - headhurts

Haven't seen any Guidelines so here goes

Post 4


smiley - ta

Good luck with the elections!

Haven't seen any Guidelines so here goes

Post 5

I'm not really here

Thank you! I wrote 'none of the above' for the councillor, but did vote on the AV issue.

I would have found it more useful if they demonstrated what would have happened (and who would have won) if they'd used it at the last election. smiley - erm But I still know I want it! otherwise we're stuck with 2 parties to choose from, like, forever...


Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

This post has been removed.


Post 7

I'm not really here

Oh shame, what was that?


Post 8

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

It were me... and no, nothing rude (for a change) smiley - blush
Apparently, according to the EMail (wow actually got one this time), it was removed because the BBC's during an election guidelines are in place... Though I don't remember seeing anything to say they were on announcements smiley - huh
Hopefully, some magic could be worked to make it now reappear, as the elections now over, as the poling stations are closed as of two hours and a bit ago smiley - ermsmiley - weird


Post 9

I'm not really here

Funny how they picked on you! The title clearly states we've seen no guidelines. If the staff can't be arsed to tell us stuff, how can we be good? That I'm pretty sure they would be in place is besides the point...

Sorry you got picked on. smiley - cuddle


Post 10

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Awww... I don't mind being picked on, not if It means I gets a cuddle from you smiley - cuddlesmiley - blush
There is, normally I recall an announcement to the BBC election guidelines from the Eds, during an eleciton, but I certainly didn't see it this time... I did go vote though, so that was goo d (we can talk now as its long ago end of voting I guess)... Was fairly quiet at about 4 PM when we went along; but the poling station here always seems mega busy at about 7 so glad to miss queueing like we had to do for the general election for about an hour last time round smiley - groansmiley - dohsmiley - zen The AV referenda votes don't get counted until tommorrow afternoon, but the counts are underway here at least now for all the wards near where I live (interestingly (well for me), my ward, was the last one to actually arrive at the count with their boxes of balett papers smiley - huh )


Post 11

I'm not really here

My friend who is a councillor lost by ten votes. She's not very happy, especially as her dog died a few days ago! She probably feels like she's got nothing!

There wasn't an announcement, I checked before I posted.


Post 12

Taff Agent of kaos

did she ask for a re-count??

smiley - bat


Post 13

I'm not really here

Should she? I think she's devastated so probably, but I could ask her.

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