A Conversation for Mau

The real scoop on Mao.

Post 1

Mozai, Researcher 119274

Someone's passed under my nose the geneology of this game, actually -- it's origins in three different places, where they merge, vectors for it's spread... generally everything a biological warfare scientist needs to create a vaccine and panic the local governments. I've never heard of any titles being given out, and it seems counter to the notion of the game I've played, and to Mao ("the name of our great leader") himself, herself... hirself, itself.

It's a meta-game, in that you don't use the rules to play, but you end up playing with the rules (see the entry or entry-to-be on "Nomic", another meta-game). Watching people play the North American versions you won't hear screaming, shouting, and likely rarely talking unless there are beginners at the table -- in which case you will hear screaming, shouting, and talking along the lines of "This is stupid, I'm not playing anymore."

It's very very discouraged to talk about the rules (my friends often caution me that I will suffer a horrible end for what little I've said). When I was first introduced, it went something like this:

Mozai: Can I play?
Mozai: Um, you're playing cards, right?
Mozai: Are you ignoring me?
(silence, followed by shaking heads and pointing at the face-down deck)
Mozai: Okay. (takes seven cards off, one of which is yanked away and replaced on the deck). So, what do I do now?
Mao Player: Talking. Asking a question about the rules. (hands me two cards, more silence)

There's an inital set of rules, which go something like this:
1. Each player's turn consists of picking a card up or putting a card down.
2. You aren't allowed to tell anyone the rules beyond this point.

The rules will change as the game goes on, but I'm afraid I can't tell you how. The only way to know is to sit down at a game and pay close attention. If you do intend to play, I strongly recommend you get two standard decks of bridge cards, and someone who's played before.

I happen to find it to be a terrific game. My friends do to. My girlfriend has threatened to leave me if I allow Mao to be played in our home. So have my friend's girlfriends. Odd coincedence.

The real scoop on Mao.

Post 2

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

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The real scoop on Mao.

Post 3


I've given up tracing Mao. There seems to be only one constant similarity between the different games: there are certain rules that can't be explained.

Of course, when people play Night-Mao (a newer version of the game), they'd scream even if they were Mao veterans.smiley - smiley

I just love being the GM in a game where beginners play as well.

The real scoop on Mao.

Post 4

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

So Mao us a game? I don't know these things.....

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