A Conversation for The Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa

Post 1

Researcher 28003

It is usuch a shame that great works such as the Mona Lisa and others
have been degraded by allowing them to be used for advertising like
many great works of music which many people only recognise by the
commercial on TV or think it was written to advertise Hovis!

Mona Lisa

Post 2


Ah, but isn't that the way life usually goes? Someone comes up with something really
neat and interesting and then everyone else rips it off. I guess it's a good way to share
but I don't know what the creative people thing of it.

Mona Lisa

Post 3


Ah, but isn't that the way life usually goes? Someone comes up with something really
neat and interesting and then everyone else rips it off. I guess it's a good way to share
but I don't know what the creative people think of it.

Mona Lisa

Post 4

Nhi Vanye i Chya

Funny you should mention Hovis...

The hill that the Hovis ads was filmed on is actually not 10 miles away from here in a town called Shaftesbury...
...located in the heart of Dorset, NOT Yorkshire!

Not only objects, but even places are sometimes 'used and abused' in the name of advertising!

Mona Lisa

Post 5


Speaking of only knowing the music because of the ad: What does The Lone Ranger have in common with Pizza Hut Home Delivery? A: The William Tell Overture. (Note: it is possible that only Australians will fully understand this, in which case I apologise profusely.)

Mona Lisa

Post 6

Heart Of Gold

Wow, did this happen to other people too!

Travel all the way to froggy land to see a painting by an Italian & see yourself reflected in the glass - well it was the top of my head actually (I'm 6'1" so could see over most of the other travellers & school children) & I'm afraid to say on theat day you would have heard a resounding "Bloody hell is that it!!!" in my cultures Aussie twang!

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