The Mona Lisa

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Considered to be the greatest painting ever, the Mona Lisa is so famous that many viewers fail to see what is beautiful about it anymore. It is reprinted in countless imitations, both with and without a beard: on coffee mugs, greeting cards, T-shirts, posters, and dinner plates. The image is so commonplace it is now considered simply common (except by a few haughty art history scholars, who will yell if you tell them that).

In order to recapture the work's original mystique, some travel to to the Louvre in Paris, France, to look at it in person. (Even though the artist Leonardo Da Vinci was Italian, his most famous work is exhibited in France, for the usual bureaucratic reasons.) This proves to be an even bigger disappointment, as on any given day everybody else in the world seems to have got the same idea. Therefore one is likely to find oneself towards the back of an angry mob of tourists, irate at the fact that they travelled however far only to catch a distant glimpse of a painting that, it turns out, is barely visible through the thick pane of glass protecting it which reflects the ceiling lights at an unfortunate angle.

"I don't see what's so special about it" is consequently the most oft-spoken comment in the Louvre, usually in a whiny American accent.

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