A Conversation for Vampires


Post 1



Say no more................................

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Post 2

Cannott Spel

On the last episode when she has left town, what is going to happen. Is the show over? What great makeup.
Can someone explain the American High School TV dramas, why is everyone so so old. In Englkand we have a quality childrens' drama Grange Hill the fourteen year olds are played by fourteen year olds. In Buffy, Buffy is 20, Willow is 25, other sre a similar age. Are we to believe these students are young.
The make-up on the show is great, in England the show is broadcast before our nine o'clock watershed (when young children should be in bed asleep), they are believable and not frightening. I am not sure why the series is repeated later at night.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Post 3


Don't worry - sounds like you are far behind the current episodes, and there is lots more Buffy to come. If you're lucky you'll get to see the new spin off tv show "Angel" which is pretty darned good too. As for why the actors are all so old? Well, they have to be sexy and no one really wants to see some 14 year old in the same way they see Sarah Michelle Gellar. Does that make sense? They losely based the show on the movie - and in the movie she was in highschool, besides, you can do a lot of interesting things with the younger characters. Once you graduate into the office setting, let's admit - Buffy will suck.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Post 4

Matt the Rat

Yeah, I can just imagine the Oh-So-Exciting episodes of "Office Space" Buffy. Some tantilizing plotlines:

- Buffy's new client firm turns out to be, uh oh, who woulda' guessed it...VAMPIRES!! Buffy must hack into the office system to up her number of photocopy-dollars. The show down: Just when it seems Buffy is about to lose, she lures the tie-wearing bloodsuckers into the photocopy room...Shazamm, they're as good as toast.

- Buffy's stapler gets possessed by the ghost of a former cast member.

- Uh, can't think of any more, but hey, I guess that's what the hollywood screenwriting computer gets paid the big bucks for...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Post 5


Kindred, kine...uh people, come on suspend your disbelief. It is just a show [And to the brit, young american actors are harder to comeby at least the skilled ones anyway]. I personally like the Giles charactor as Mr.Head seems to be reportraying the charactor he played on VR5. The vamps seem like pussys though and whats with the lack of reflections? They obviously can cross running water why hell do they have to have one of the most idiotic disabilities that can be associated with vampirism? Their magic system is increadably chaoic too.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Post 6

Researcher 166307

I love watching Buffy I hope she and spike get together

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