This is the Message Centre for silver cloud of lunacy
Be Seeing You
Beeblefish Started conversation Mar 2, 2000
If this is an intellectual belch -- I cant wait to read some of your serious writing!
~Beeblefish (Wandering About)
Be Seeing You
shazzPRME Posted Mar 2, 2000
Hi there Nice sentiments... you are most welcome to h2g2... and also invited formally to put fingers to keyboard and come up with articles for the Post
You can check it out if you go to my page and click on the HUGE link to it... allow yourself a few weeks to check out the back issues though... and most def look at the Wowbagger stuff... he is our resident cartoonist and VERY GOOD
Be Seeing You
Spanner Posted Mar 2, 2000
welcome too from the other end of the world (according to some) - if you're wondering how we all found you so quickly, it's from the who's online function thingy
btw beeblefish, six of one?
silver cloud of lunacy Posted Mar 3, 2000
i've found them now haven't i?
i just don't know what to do with them.
i'm holed up with stinky laundry and school work taunting me, and there's a big fat mess in my head too. so which do i stick in the washing machine -- the stinky laundry, the torturous essay assignment, or my head (which would solve all my problems wouldn't it?)
advice of the day: there is no trash chute for intellectual garbage. it just kinda sits around and rots. drown yourself in cadbury mini-eggs, a 200g bag will make you sick and shift the pain to something physical to complain about, which is always much easier.
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Be Seeing You
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