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relinquishing church & state

Post 1


well, that's cool-I'm bi too -i came out when I was 15 and it was a little rough at the time because even though my religion didn't have any such problems my schoolmates did.I'm 21 now- i sympathize. I practice celtic shamanism & am also a unitarian universalist. i tell you this so that you know I'm not exactly coming from a bible beater's prospective.My dad's a minister so he made sure i was well schooled -so i've read the bible cover to cover at least 5 times.I only found three mentionings of homosexual behavior & one was more implied.
1.sodom and gomorrah -ok so they burned the city yeah ,yeah-I personally think that ,in context,what is being talked about is rape not consensual activity-read it a little more closely
2.leviticus-okay so this applies if you're a very orthodox jew or some muslims-christians generally don't make their women take mikvahs still do they? Does Rev billy graham eat pork-i'm pretty sure the bastard does-One must keep in mind that the laws written
in leviticus was written for the nation of israel and were laws not only of church but also of state -a small country wants a bigger population-also another reason for the laws about when sex is allowed -they fall at the time when biologically a woman is most likely to be fertile.
3. A soldier brings his servant/sword boy (depends on the translation as to how it's worded) to be healed by Jesus
-he heals him & not much more is said about it -a connection that close with one's servant might denote a romantic affiliation...maybe
Anyway ...the point is that this is no reason to give up your religion -assuming it is your religion.Everyone's got a different path anyway so you might as well be honest about it-personally yes, most humans are biologically bisexual.I'm just saying you should be yourself in every way you can

relinquishing church & state

Post 2

Calculator Nerd 256

what about 1 corinthians 6:9 and 1 timothy 1:10?
smiley - geek>8^B

relinquishing church & state

Post 3

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

...well, what about them?

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