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CF: A14535209 - Escape Into Night - The Television Series

Post 1


A14535209 Escape Into Night - The Television Series
New picture added.


CF: A14535209 - Escape Into Night - The Television Series

Post 2

Icy North

Nice picture smiley - ok

CF: A14535209 - Escape Into Night - The Television Series

Post 3


Thanks! Little did I suspect when I drew the house that one day it would be on the h2g2 website. Or that the internet would be invented...


CF: A14535209 - Escape Into Night - The Television Series

Post 4

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - ok

Fascinating that the DVD is rated 12... I enjoyed reading that Entry smiley - ok Portrayal of disability similar and yet somewhat different from others at the time and earlier smiley - bigeyes

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CF: A14535209 - Escape Into Night - The Television Series

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