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CF: A87856988 - George Villiers - Duke of Buckingham

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A87856988 - George Villiers - Duke of Buckingham

Bobstafford had a misplaced paragraph all about George Villiers in his entry on Louis XIII. I'm removing it from that entry and placing it here where it belongs.

'If his writing is anything to go by, Alexandre Dumas seems to have had some admiration for Buckingham. Not however Charles Dickens, who wrote of him in A Child's History of England (1851-3)10 and had quite a different view. Dickens describes Buckingham as 'that insolent upstart', the war in France as being started by 'that pestilent Buckingham… to gratify his own wounded vanity'. This view is an accurate reflection of public opinion of England at the time.'


CF: A87856988 - George Villiers - Duke of Buckingham

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - ok

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CF: A87856988 - George Villiers - Duke of Buckingham

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