A Conversation for The Virtual Supporters' Club

Oh for flick's sake...

Post 21


I've always liked them because I have a soft spot for kevin Francis.

Oh for flick's sake...

Post 22

McKay The Disorganised

Please Egon - no details.

smiley - cider

Oh for flick's sake...

Post 23

Mu Beta

Is it a very TALL soft spot?


Oh for flick's sake...

Post 24

Secretly Not Here Any More

Well that -15 didn't last too long. 3 points down, 12 to go, then it's time to get some payback.

Oh for flick's sake...

Post 25

Mu Beta

I think it's unlikely that Ken Bates will be offering a refund. smiley - erm


Oh for flick's sake...

Post 26


Payback on whom? It's your own board's fault, not the rest of the league, who've abided by the rules.

Oh for flick's sake...

Post 27

Secretly Not Here Any More

Everyone who voted for us getting docked. Just because it's sensible doesn't mean we like it.

Oh for flick's sake...

Post 28


According to todays Daily Mirror it "wasnt a vote against Leeds United or the Fans, it was a vote against Ken Bates. Two Words. Get Rid."

But you should stay up so you can be docked 50 points next season if Bates is still there.

But at least Tresor proved he can find the goal.

Oh for flick's sake...

Post 29

Secretly Not Here Any More

If I believed anything the Daily Mirror ever wrote, I'd have to be fed through a tube as I'd be too retarded to chew.

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