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Can I 'hide' something from the SOP sites?

Post 1

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Right first off, I must explain that I'm simple, and any answers anyone has, must be written in Laymen's terms.... smiley - smiley

I've just viewed my page, as seen in the SOP Northern Ireland site, and I've noticed two strange things...
Firstly my Lurker badge has lost it's face, and is now just a link in a box..
Secondly.. I have a table at the bottom of my page with a blob of a fish in it, coupled with the MARQUEE tag (becuase it amuses me), but when viewed from SOP NI, the table has disappeared, and all that's left is the blob, which looks, well crap.

Is there anyway I can hide the offending items from people viewing the page from said place? Or make the table visible to them?

Have fun and enjoy!
smiley - cheers

Can I 'hide' something from the SOP sites?

Post 2

Silly Willy

The Lurker badge breaks because it depends on a grpahic which I don't think is available to DNA sites other than h2g2 (but I'm going to have to check that).

I'm not sure why the table isn't working properly.

In order to hide/show content to specific sites you should use the <./>GuideML-SITEFILTER</.> Tag.

Can I 'hide' something from the SOP sites?

Post 3

3 Of 8: Currently lurking. <?> <BORG>

Thanks smiley - smiley

I asked here, because as I've said before, I'm really quite simple, and the explanation of how to use the SITE FILTER tag makes no sense to me...

Can I 'hide' something from the SOP sites?

Post 4

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

3 Of 8,
before risking your userspace, try creating a separate entry for testing triggy things. If/when it works, you can copy/paste it to your userspace.
If your userspace happens to be large, it is much faster also.

Can I 'hide' something from the SOP sites?

Post 5


Ok, to hide something from other sites, stick this in...

This will be displayed in h2g2 only.

anything you stick in between the two will only be visible in the H2G2 skins....

Oh and I guess the problem with the tables is that some of the other sites use fixed width screens, designed for small screens and low resolution monitors, so if your page has a fairly wide table (which'll work perfectly well on H2G2, it might not display the same way in other sites.

smiley - cheers
hope that helps

Really basic..but

Post 6


I'm not really educated in terms of how to make all the cute/freaky/cool little pics - like the spiders, for example. I can do the smiley faces - smiley - smileysmiley - sadfacesmiley - winkeye etc but what about the others?

Confused Kitty-kat

Really basic..but

Post 7

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

have a look at the <./>smiley</.> page or click on a smiley and you will be transferred. smiley - run

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