A Conversation for How do I...?

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 1


Last night in my Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA area chain grocery store, in the International foods aisle, I noticed a three foot wide by five foot high section of British foods. Ninety percent of the shelf-space appeared to be British brands of Indian sauces. What caught my eye, however, were the tiny jars of Marmite. Looks like maybe 8 cubic centimeters of the stuff for four dollars. I actually took the jar off the shelf, but was slightly put off by the price, and also by the serving suggestion. Food labels often try to entice you by suggesting what full meal or what other yummy ingredients you might try on/in/alongside their freaky product, and in this case, they suggested, "Try it spread thinly over toast and topped with Cottage Cheese." [excuse me, BRB, AFK to regurgit8]

So basically I'm here looking for someone to tell me that it doesn't taste like a yeasty scum made as a by-product on the bottom of a vat of beer, and that it is somehow worth the four bucks, for what appears to be one dollar per two cubic centimeters of scum. Any assistance or warnings you might have would be appreciated.

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 2

Silly Willy

I can't stand the stuff it makes me feel sick. However, my sister swears by it and will eat it on anything.
The only advantage to it as far as I can see is that no matter how foul and rotten something in your fridge might be, Marmite will always take away the taste (and replace it with something even more foul smiley - smiley)

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 3

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Oh I dont know, if you mix it with some really discusting medacan at least you wont taste the medacan smiley - tongueout

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 4

Starman - Keeper of Songs

I've never been able to understand how people can take that stuff.

It's horrible !!!!

smiley - star

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 5


I feel I must rise to this much maligned delicacy's defence.
The secret is in the word 'thinly'. A little goes a long way and literally, just a dab on the end of a knife smeared on hot buttered toast is... terrific! smiley - ok
..and of course that way, one small jar can last you, oooh... years. Never tried it with cheese though.
All the best A.M. smiley - smiley

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 6


Marmite is so yummy.....it isn't at all horrible and anyone who tells you it is has no taste whatsoeversmiley - weird.All of my children love itsmiley - monster.
The only problem with Marmite is...you can't do anything with it except put it on toast! It's versatility is absolutely,utterly and indisputably NILsmiley - biggrin

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 7


ignore JewelOfTheNile,she has no taste whatso ever,after all she appears to like me!..& Im strictly UTTERLY-BUTTERLY...back to Marmite its one of Britains greatest ever export achievements,(apart from London Bridge of course!) what a master stroke of business skill to actually sell industrial waste(that tastes like some kind of nasty yeast infection)all over the world rather than incur the expense of submitting it to UK landfill sites...Export profits & less domestic pollution,theres nothing wrong with marmite mate but I wouldnt eat the stuff!!.

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 8


Previous posting was a joke. Im sure
Marmite is a good wholesome healthy spread
Ive never personally liked the stuff...
..but each to his own & like Marmite Im not
particularly renowned for good taste

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 9


Oh yes he has got wonderful taste!! I'm his friendsmiley - smiley
Oh no what am I saying?....Must be eating too much Marmite!smiley - silly
I apologise for my friendsmiley - weirdlowering to tone of the conversation!lol
smiley - biggrin

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 10


Another use:
You could always try it as a hot drink. One teaspoonful stirred into boiling water (and let to cool to hot drink temperature). It's similar to Bovril but vegitarian.
See, it's versitile too.. smiley - smiley

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 11


Versatile even.. oops!

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 12


OK then...it is versatile (a bit!)smiley - biggrin

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 13


OK then...it is versatile (a bit!)smiley - biggrin

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 14

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Also very good in gravy, strangely.

Clive smiley - smiley

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 15


I searched on google for some marmite recipes, but found nothing I wanted to try. Either meals more elaborate than I want to try, or vague suggestions like "put it on toast" (duh?).

How much does one put into gravy? I read that it was originally thought to be a cheap and or vegetarian way of faking beef stock. (I know it's vegetarian, just don't know if the brainiacs who started marketing it 100 years ago were motivated by frugality or by being vegetarians.) So I tried adding it to a bowl of ramen and vegetables a few days ago. But barely enough to taste, so it wasn't worth bothering. Today I added maybe 1/3 teaspoon to a bowl of rice, and it was tolerable, but not really interesting. I'm afraid adding enough marmite to actually become noticable would be too much to stand.

...But I'm too cheap to let that $4 bottle go to waste. Only 29 more servings to dispose of by July 2002! (By the way, any vegetarians celebrating marmite as a nutritionally correct food ought to take a look at how much sodium goes into each 1/2 teaspoon serving. 8% of your daily value of sodium in each dose! You'll be meat-free and still blow a blood vessel.)

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 16

Tamara's another day

I love Marmite however much sodium - still healthier than most snacks ! Try it (thinly spread) on toast then cover in baked beans or scrambled egg. Also good on soldiers and dipped into a runny boiled egg. Heaven.

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 17


Surprise new discovery from the
boys in the wellytesting lab........
Marmite has been found to be an excellent repairer of minor to moderate
leaks in wellies..However....the method of repair has not quite been perfected to date.
Basically it entails spreading a generous amount of Marmite
into & around the hole/flaw, then after pre-heating a standard household
electric oven to 220 degrees, & putting the Marmited boot into it on a middle
shelf for 1.3725hrs (approx).....the marmite hardens & forms an almost perfect & permanant repair.
...In Wellytesting circles this discovery is causing fantastic excitement, as you may well realize.
BUT!!...The downside of this process is an unfortunate tendency for the boot to deform slightly & lose some of its shape.
Fear not because the boys at wellytest labs are working around the clock,
to sort out this minor difficulty, at least Marmite did its job & 100 per cent of tested wellies
have been re-waterproofed, & may even
prove resistant to attack by H2O....
We will keep you updated on the latter point.
The point of all this is to show
that, the much maligned substance known as MARMITE may
be much more VERSATILE than it at first appears...

...bring myself to try marmite for the first time?

Post 18


well the goodfellas at WellyTest Research have
done it!!...yes Marmite can successfully repair your
wellies. Using the before mentioned process but substituting
the elactric oven, & utilizing the Microwave oven instead..
As with all cooking Microwaved Marmited Wellies are also 'done'
much more quickly.
Placing your Marmited Welly onto the turntable 'cook' on high for
between 3 & 51 mins...allow to cool & the Marmite welly repair is complete.
The welly retains it original shape & form & the Marmite repair is
virtually invisable, in fact your welly is probably more water-proof now than it was when new!
HOWEVER! wellies repaired in this way do 'lose' approx two sizes..ie; if originally your welly
was size 9(uk size) it will now be size 7(uk)...so when purchasing new wellies
you may wish to buy them two sizes larger than your feet,(& wear 4 pairs of socks)
until such time as you need to repair them.
NB*...when, MICRO-MARMITE-REPAIRING your wellies please remember to treat the 'good' boot as well,
or walking in snow or splashing in puddles will,due to size differences, be less comfortable than
it need be.(unless you wish to wear less socks on one foot than the other!)...
......MICRO-MARMITE-REPAIRING, should only be undertaken when supervised by a MARMITE REPAIR certificated practitioner!
*****DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!*******
MARMITE VERSATILE?...YES! without a doubt! lol...

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