A Conversation for 2nd Annual H2G2 Bikini Competition

Haven't you violated your own rule?

Post 1


You're going on about keeping friendly when you've just made an accusation against a whole group of people and a contestant in particular (Emmy) who didn't nominate herself nor even get a chance to vote for herself. I don't know what happened that makes you think someone cheated, but having that accusation as part of your description of the contest sure counteracts any statements made towards the notion of keeping it friendly.

Haven't you violated your own rule?

Post 2

The Fish

*Scratches head*

I think someone did cheat, an inside job or something like that, but BB was never insulting anyone smiley - smiley

smiley - fish

Haven't you violated your own rule?

Post 3


If cheating involves having friends who just happen to want to vote for you, then I think everyone who participates and receives just one vote will classed as a cheater.

No one cheated last time, Emmy just happens to have a lot of friends who love her very much and want her to win.

Haven't you violated your own rule?

Post 4


Besides, she didn't even enter herself as far as I remember.

What I want to know is: How can all participants be members of HRASC? Surely that defeats the whole purpose of the competition? If they're campaigning AGAINST swimming costumes at the same time as showing off their bikini, isn't that a bit contradictory?

Oh and what if they don't want to be a member of HRASC anyway? I've got nothing against nudists, but I don't want to be a nudist myself.

Haven't you violated your own rule?

Post 5

The Fish

*Waits for BB to comment...*
smiley - fish

Haven't you violated your own rule?

Post 6


As a fairly new person both here and on floor 42, it sounds to me like someone's being a sore loser...

Haven't you violated your own rule?

Post 7

what you know as km

Looks to me like the rule that's been violated is the one that says, "I haven't made up any rules for this yet."


Post 8


This post has been removed.

Haven't you violated your own rule?

Post 9


Pssst! What the hell is HRASC, anyway? I mean, I could go look it up, but I'm lazy. smiley - winkeye

Haven't you violated your own rule?

Post 10


HRASC is "H2G2 Researchers Against Swimming Costumes" - see:
As for it being a contradiction - people in the competition are wearing Bikinis, not swimming in them. As the bikinis are being intended to be worn, they aren't swimming costumes, merely clothes, and so don't count. smiley - winkeye


Haven't you violated your own rule?

Post 11


Now THAT'S logic. smiley - winkeye

Haven't you violated your own rule?

Post 12

Demon Drawer

BB you sure you're not Irish. smiley - winkeye

Haven't you violated your own rule?

Post 13


Nope, I'm a Caulkhead, and we go by our own logic. smiley - winkeye

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