A Conversation for Rules for [Writing About] Time Travel

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Post 41

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiison!!!!! Don't leave! Okay, well, leave if you want, I'll always be there to torture you at school. smiley - smiley

Females have more interesting screen names...? I don't know, seems to me that most of the guys on h2g2 have more interesting names than the girls... at least, those I can tell which they are. But I'm rambling....

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 42

Roasted Amoeba

Interesting names seem to be equally distributed, I think, between male and female.

As long as nobody else has the audacity to call themselves Roasted Amoeba, then I shall be happy... smiley - smiley

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 43

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

They wouldn't dare! If they do, I'll personally sack them for ya. smiley - smiley

(unfortunately, I did a h2g2 search for my name one day and found about thirty permutations in the users of h2g2. smiley - sadface)

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 44

Roasted Amoeba

I just did a quick search, and I am pleased to say that you are the ONLY Amy with a cross after your name... smiley - smiley

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 45

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

hehehe... I'm an in-di-vid-U-al. Speciale. Or something like that, I think... so I've been told... smiley - smiley

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 46

Roasted Amoeba

Oh yes. You most definitely are. smiley - smiley

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 47

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Thank-ye much, kind sir. smiley - smiley

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 48

Roasted Amoeba

Everybody is equal... just some are more equal than others... smiley - smiley

And everybody I know is special. Including my pet cheese.

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 49

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

That Napoleon the Pig guy... he had some rather interesting ideas, didn't he? smiley - winkeye

I really ought to read the book (I only know about it because we briefly studied Russia/communism in my history class last year and a discussion of that book/several movies based on the book were necessary).... smiley - smiley

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 50

Roasted Amoeba

Ah right. Well, I have to admit I haven't read it... yet...

And that's about the only quote I know from it.

Erm... we are talking about George Orwell's "Animal Farm", aren't we...? smiley - winkeye

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Post 51

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Sure are.

Personally I want to read 1984... the bad animation in the Animal Farm movie kinda turned me off to it entirely.

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Post 52

Researcher 55674

Bad animation? That was a classic. Almost up there with Watership Down.

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Post 53

Roasted Amoeba

I bought 1984 about two years ago. And I still haven't read it. Woops.

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Post 54

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

ddombrow... maybe we're not talking about the same cartoon one? perhaps? I have no idea. I watched it in my World Cultures class last year, and what I saw was pretty bad. It got the point across, though, which is really the whole idea, right?

RA... I was looking for 1984 at the bookstore at the strip mall a few streets over last weekend... I couldn't find it!! It just disappeared off the face of the earth! I need to read it, I've heard it's very interesting. Huxley's 'A Brave New World' too. Both seem very unusual and different.

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Post 55

Roasted Amoeba

Ah well then, when I've finished reading it I'll send it to you if you like... smiley - smiley

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Post 56

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Haha, perhaps. smiley - smiley

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 57


just thought i'd but in smiley - smiley

1984 and A Brave New World are both really good books (tho i think 1984 is a bit too hopeless and Brave New World is a bit too sci-fi for my taste, but hey...). Amy-- i'm sure they have them in our library at school (i think that's where i got at least one of them).

ok, i'm done.

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 58

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

yeah, I think you were the one who first told me about them. I'll have to check if they're in the library if I have time (time! what a novel idea!)

But of course, you know how i like sci-fi and hopeless... at least in books for the last one... smiley - smiley

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Post 59


and i'm sure you meant that clever pun on "novel idea" right? smiley - smiley

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 60

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

um, actually, i didn't try that one...

but my dad is the Pun King of the world, so I guess it's understandable that I would do such a thing. smiley - smiley

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