A Conversation for Rules for [Writing About] Time Travel

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Post 21

Roasted Amoeba

Well, that's true... I think... However, pink may not be blue-green, but is blue-green pink? Ha ha. Gotcha there...

I Love it

Post 22

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Okay... you win, at least until I can think of a suitable comeback. smiley - smiley

I Love it

Post 23

Roasted Amoeba

I shall wait patiently... smiley - smiley

I Love it

Post 24

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Er, I can't think of a suitable comeback.. (big surprise smiley - smiley), so I shall go on a tangent. You know, that sine over cosine thing... (unless I'm mixed up, which is likely, and it's cosine over sine). I guess I could go on a cosecant. Maybe. I never liked that one much in the first place. Hmm. Go off on a vector? Sure, what I'm doing now... not going on forever (I hope!). Be quiet?? Yeah, that sounds good. Ah, well, tis all one, I'll write a journal entry and then start my homework. (blah, blah, BLAH!!).

(yes, I'm exhausted and I haven't had enough sleep lately: this is how I get when that happens). smiley - smiley

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Post 25

Roasted Amoeba

Yes, it's sine over cosine... cotangent is cosine over sine... cosecant is the inverse of sin... etc... smiley - smiley

Maybe you should just go off on holiday?

Oh no. Vectors. Arrrrggghhhh.....

Please don't be quiet. I like listening to you babbling on... even if it is about maths...

Well, I'm off to do my homework too... Oh. I hate it when that happens. It's always about this time in the evening when I realise that I have several hours worth of homework to do, and not enough time to do it...

I Love it

Post 26

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

When on earth did you sneak online? (I've been on for an hour, only responded a little while ago). Ah, well, never mind....

You enjoy my blabbling on? Wow, you're in minority. That's a good thing. smiley - smiley and a fishey: smiley - hsif

You're lucky you remember all that trig stuff... no way I'm gonna remember it past this school year. Not that I'd really need to anyway. (I see vectors have gotten to someone else.. haha, I'm glad I'm not alone in that!)

Holiday sounds quite nice. Maybe take a day trip to New York (where I've never been) or Baltimore (where I've been twice... I like to see the fishies in the aquarium). That reminds me of something my friends at my lunch table and I were talking about a few weeks ago. There's this tradition in America called "Senior Skip Day" (I don't know if you have it in England), where the senior class is supposed to skip the day of the year that their class graduates. (ie, this year's class skipped the 100th day of school). We all thought we ought to take a trip to Florida or something and stay with someone's family. Of course, that'd take a bit more than a day, but hey...

Anyhoo, I should but cannot take a holiday.. I already missed all of last week due to my non-flu thingie, and I can't really afford to take more time off. Besides, I don't think my parents would take too kindly to it. smiley - smiley

haha, I was supposed to be doing my homework. Oh, well, it's only late afternoon. I've got all evening too. Shouldn't take nearly as much time as yesterday's did... I hope. Okay, now I really am going to do my homework. Really.

Hmm. That didn't work. Yes. Leaving now. *talking to self* "hit the post message button and work on your outline, you lazy bum! do it." *wimper* and don't you start whining! *whine* oh, shush, you...

I Love it

Post 27

Roasted Amoeba

Doh... I typed a whole reply out to this, and then lost it. Ah well... Here we go again...

Ooooh... A fishey for me! smiley - smiley Here's a roasted amoeba for you: o

The only reason I remember trig is because I'm (supposed to be) studying engineering... And apparently it's necessary. I still hate vectors... As you have gathered.

Shame you can't go on holiday... smiley - sadface Ah well. Even villages like South Marston (http://www.h2g2.com/A226702) only get a very short holiday once per year... (Sorry about that blatant advertising).

I Love it

Post 28

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Aww.. poor you, having to deal with trig for the rest of your life! Two of my friends must suffer the same fate: one's going into the marines in relation to technology/engineering/because he's insane and likes beating himself up (at least, that's what he told me, I have my own theories), and my other one because she wants to be an astronaut.

ooh! an amoeba! I've always wanted one! (at least, one I could see without a microscope)... Thank ye kindly sir...

Most of the schools in Lancaster (er, Pa, not the town (city? village?) of the same name in England) get off for Christmas (politically correct, "winter break"), a day or two off for Easter ("spring break", though now it's only Good Friday we have off, because of snow days), and a few other days spread around. But it's nowhere near enough....

I Love it

Post 29

Roasted Amoeba

Trig isn't too bad. It's calculus that I *really* hate...

You only get a day or two off for "spring break" (a.k.a. "that season of the year when the world celebrates the death and resurrection of somebody that they don't believe in")? We get a whole month... and most of the secondary schools (high schools?) get two weeks.

Lancaster, England, is a "town"... smiley - smiley Villages usually have 2,000 or so residents... cities, officially, are places which either have a cathedral or for some reason have been awarded a royal charter in ages past. They are almost always larger than towns. And towns are somewhere inbetween. Except for the exceptions. Like a small place in Wales that somehow or other got itself a cathedral, and although it has far less residents than most towns, it is a city...

I'm too afraid to go back in that "other" forum... smiley - winkeye ... so I'll say it here. I've only read one of Bluebottle's "novels" - and I liked it. Very bizarre, very amusing.

I Love it

Post 30

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Caculus... I have to take it next year. Advanced Placement, too. smiley - sadface I'm trying not to think about it.

You get an entire month off for Easter?? Wow, I'm gonna have to go to a university in Europe or something. Actually, I think most of the colleges/universities in the US get a few weeks off for Easter, and about a month off for Christmas. The lack of time off really isn't too bad... especially when after about three days of nothing I get rather bored. Almost wanting to learn something or do something productive (almost being the operative word here).

Bluebottle said you could "invade" the other forum..., at least, it wouldn't bother me. The whole conversing with you nice people/amoebas/whatever is fun within itself.

Bizarre and amusing? Hmm, sounds like something I'd like to read.

I Love it

Post 31

Roasted Amoeba

You do calculus at school? That's impressive. I didn't do calculus until I went to university.

We get a month off at easter, a month off at Christmas, and three months off during the summer... It sounds good, except for I have to get a job for nearly all of that time... And in fact I would rather be studying. It's more fun - I can use h2g2 more often... smiley - smiley

I think you would like Bluebottle's book. It's modelled on the h2g2 style of humour... which is, naturally, the best type in existence.

What is Advanced Placement?

I Love it

Post 32

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Sure do calculus at school. Most people (at least in my school) don't, only because there aren't enough years in the school system to get all the way there without skipping stuff. In other words, I'm in an accelerated course so I got to take everything a year early (Theo Alg. II in my freshman year, then Theo Geo in sophomore, and now Theo Trig in my Junior year... Calc is next year.) Some people do it by "doubling up," that is, taking two math courses concurrently. (I personally think they're insane to do that, but then I've never been a big fan of math).

Advanced Placement is essentially an accelerated course which goes faster than the "main stream" course, therefore covering more material. One usually has to take an exam to get in, and generally has a TON of homework. (and I, the idiot, am taking something like three or four A.P. courses next year....)

It's too bad Bluebottle said that he couldn't email/post his book in any way- shape or form- so I could read it. I really wanted to, too. smiley - smiley

I Love it

Post 33


sorry if i sounded harsh. redundancy is one of my pet peeves. i never meant to imply that things had to be "clever", only that if they are set against making sense, there must be some other reason for reading it and cleverness is often a better choice than, say, relying on the fact that your reader is incredibly bored. i think that as long as a writer decides they're set against being creative and clever, than they are pretty much only set against people who don't think they're as funny or creative as think think they are, and isn't that a form of narrow-mindedness? i didn't think that making suggestions and giving my honest opinion wasn't tactful; but it may have challenged your opinion that it was a wonderfully humorous and imaginative (and helpful) article, and if that was tactless, than so be it. i work with truth, not for tact.

plus, i am in a bad mood right now, so don't mind my biting sarcastic tone.

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 34

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

my dear friend... you've been forgiven for that for quite a long while, and i understood totally where you're coming from. (you were, for the most part, right). smiley - smiley please don't start this up again...

don't be in a bad mood. be happy. or at least, try to be happy. have a fishey: smiley - hsif His name is Edgar. Take good care of him.

*slinks away, frightened of self, wondering if i should get a life...*

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 35


i wasn't starting it up again. smiley - smiley i didn't even read your conversation w/um... what's her name... (sorry, i apologize, but i didn't read it, so i don't know your name). i just thought i'd mention it real quick.

btw, how do they make those little fish signs? cuz yours didn't come out as one, but i've seen others... i can make a normal fish: <}}}}}}>< smiley - smiley

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 36

Roasted Amoeba

If by "her" you are referring to me, I'm male... I think. Well, I hope I am.

You do the fishey signs by a > then a < then another >.

Like this: smiley - fish

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 37

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

hmm... I musta done the fishey's backwards.

Al, feel free to join in the conversation if you want to... I hope Roasted Amoeba won't mind.... He knows what it's like to get kicked out of a forum. smiley - smiley (btw, Bluebottle consented that you could come back, if you stayed back, or if you're going to stay away, to stay away.) Anyway...

Now just what *were* we talking about? I've completely forgotten.... smiley - smiley

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 38

Roasted Amoeba

Of course I don't mind... smiley - smiley The more the merrier. Or something like that.

I did notice that Bluebottle "allowed" me back into the conversation, but I decided that as I was already out I may as well stay out...

We were talking about... we were talking about... oh darn it, I'd have to hit the back button on my browser to find out what we were talking about, and that would mean I would have to copy and paste this reply so that I didn't lose it. Ah well.

Let's just assume we were talking about... Shakespeare? smiley - smiley

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 39


smiley - smiley i apologize profusely for mis-guessing your gender! i always have trouble doing that online, esp. w/people i haven't even actually spoken to. your name was interesting, which led me to believe you were a girl (yes, i'm prejudice :-p) becuz i've found a lot of guys use names like "Dawg17" or "C Jefferson" or something. i don't know, anyway, you get the point. smiley - smiley i think i will just not join the conversation, if you don't mind. i'm not big into online forums and the like. but, how does that fish go? smiley - hsif or smiley - fish ? i guess i'll find out, eh? tata.

totally unrelated to my and RA's conversation.... :-)

Post 40

Roasted Amoeba

Well, I shall forgive you, since I often have the same problem... smiley - smiley

For some reason, it was quite easy to guess Amy's gender... slightly more difficult with you. But I did it! Ha haa haaaaa haaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Ahem.

I guess you have now found out which way the little fishy goes... Fish usually go forwards. Or so I believe. But Amy already gave you a fish called Edgar, so what do you want another one for? smiley - winkeye

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