A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

Am I in the right place ?

Post 1


When I open my personal space , I find a long list labelled * My most recent conversations*

I am very happy to read a lot of them , and even contribute to the conversations, but there are many in which I would have no interest and to which I have not contributed

How do I clear those from my personal space , but leave the ones to which I may later contribute ?

Am I in the right place ?

Post 2

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

There are 4 ways (off the top of my head) a conversation thread can show up in your "my conversations" box:

1) If you participate in or start the conversation
2) If the conversation is occurring on your personal space (someone left you a message in the "my messages" section)
3) If you subscribed to the conversation -- at the bottom of every conversation page is a link to "subscribe" to that conversation. If you click that link, that conversation will show up on your "my conversations" box even if you never participate.
4) If you subscribe to a particular entry -- at the bottom of every entry is a link to "subscribe to all conversations about this entry" -- if you click this link, you will from then on be subscribed to all the conversations that occur on that page -- every time someone starts one, it will show up on your entry.

You can unsubscribe to any conversation, by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link or button on your "my conversations" box. If you're using the default Brunel skin, this will look like a little "x" to the left of the conversation listing.

If you've accidentally subscribed to all conversations for a certain entry, and want to unsubscribe, go back to that entry, go to the bottom, and click on "stop being notified of conversations about this entry." Looking at your space, it looks like you might have subscribed to PeerReview. If you go there, you can click on the link at the bottom to stop being notified of future conversations. You'll still have to individually unsubscribe from any unwanted conversations that are already on your "my conversations" box, though.

Hope this helps some!

smiley - smiley

Am I in the right place ?

Post 3

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Brislib, it looks like you somehow have subscribed to the <./>peerreview</.> page. This gives indeed a lot of entries.

Click on the peerreview link above and scroll down.
Click the link "Click here to stop being notified of new Conversations about this Guide Entry"

This should stop having new entries added in your list.
The other ones have to be removed one by one by clicking on the x in front of them (you use Brunel I suppose)

Am I in the right place ?

Post 4


Thank you -- technically I am not a very capable character -- but let's see how I go .

Who knows , though , I might miss the clutter !!!

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