A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

Creative Living Spirit

Post 1


For eliminating corruption and its similars from this wonderful World, the first and foremost step humans have to take is to start living life in the rythmic process of the nature which are not against its normal phenomenon.

And for making our world into a really livable place, mainly for humans, my experience leads me to believe and propose that there must be formation of a "World Confederation" under the expert hands of the honestly devoted people having courage to live and let live with "Creative Living Spirit", not just bearing just surviving attitude.

For that quite honest and devoted people to lead the rest humans is the chief requirement.

Cultivation of Love against Hate; kindness against Cruelity; Litteracy against Illiteracy and their likes are the needs of the time to save the world out of danger of probable wars, the destructive ones.

The question arises only who is to take the initiative for that?

Against multifarious mischieves of the past, number of prophets, saits are known as struggling and succeeded to bring revolutionery changes in the then social corrupted systems on practice.

Many cruel kings were elimited alongwith their evil plans by dint of strategic manners and as a result our world could be maintained till now in its present shape.

So, the surviving Humans of all the time
remain in the hope of being blessed with the Heroes exactly who are superhmans, men of characters with matchless talent and courage.

Our moral duty is to discover them out who are amongst us! But who are they ? Where are they?

Comments please!

Creative Living Spirit

Post 2

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Hello CLS

These are interesting ideas.

To get more people to respond, I suggest you post in <./>Askh2g2</.> and/or create a Guide Entry (there's a button on your Space) and submit it to the Alternative Writing Workshop.

Please ask if you need more help to do these things.

smiley - smiley

Amy the (Guru) Ant

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