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Old Email address/ new email address??

Post 1


I go to preferences and try and change me old email address to my new one and it does not want to change???

Any one know why??



Old Email address/ new email address??

Post 2


Did you remember to enter your password? smiley - smiley

Old Email address/ new email address??

Post 3


I did all that..

Still would not work...

Old Email address/ new email address??

Post 4


Strange. Works fine for me. smiley - erm

Old Email address/ new email address??

Post 5


Remember that BBC login names and passwords are case sensitive, so if you used a capital letter when you first entered them, you will always have to do so.

smiley - smiley

Old Email address/ new email address??

Post 6


Ok, I will give it another try..

Old Email address/ new email address??

Post 7


Did it work?

Old Email address/ new email address??

Post 8


Not Really..
Well Yes and no..

I managed to change it , but then I could not post on the message boards no more. I had a word with the mods that said it was a automated system and I should have got a email...

I did not..

I had to re-register with a new name for the message boards, but still cant use my old name on them!?

Got a email last night for the new profile so that is now operational but old one has gone bye,bye...



Old Email address/ new email address??

Post 9


Are you talking about the BBC message boards? You have to register for them separately, so changing your h2g2 password will have no effect on your message board password.

Old Email address/ new email address??

Post 10


You can look at your BBC profile here:
smiley - bluefish

Old Email address/ new email address??

Post 11


But it did! Once I changed my h2g2 email address, I could not get on the message boards no more..


I had to re-register with another name..


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