Magick the Universe and everything.

Hi to all that visit me here.
I am hoping to use this site to air my understanding of the reality that exist around us.
From Quantum Physics to our Consciousness. Diagram showing what a neutrino isStar gazing Come back soon, and I will hopefully have edited this page with the information I wish you to consider and to give me feedback on. Pentagram in a circle, two candles By the way you can always email me at:

[email protected]

Psy-quest/NocturnalWitch..Or even just Paul.. A scary pumpkin


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My mum... No Posting Nov 19, 2011
Reactivation... No Posting Oct 31, 2011
Way to go Homer!! No Posting Jul 17, 2007
Cosmic Fool... No Posting Nov 11, 2006
News No Posting Sep 18, 2006


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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