A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre


Post 1

Researcher 193466

i think i messed up i need to no what people think about my last entry


Post 2

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

What entry is that then??


Post 3

Researcher 193466

the second one i thought itook myself off the list of reply so what did you think of my theory?????


Post 4

Micheal Jay Mole

Hi! I am Micheal Jay Mole, ACE. Hhmm...I think you probably lost that posting. Another ACE (Assistant Community Editor) will probably be along shortly who will be of greater help, but I suspect you changed windows or something because the subject >kurtcobainsdeath< does show up there is just no text. Try A719840 it is a general guide for new members. You did right going to the help button. All ACES are here to help you and to make your h2g2 experience more enjoyable, as are all other members. I would read the House Rules first, then check the link above. You can also use the search engine as a last resort. Also click on the Front Page which gives much data. Don't give up! We will find out what happened. Let me dig a while, perhaps another ACE will drop in while I am digging.

By the way, Welcome to h2g2! The fun place to be! smiley - smiley



Post 5

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

We would like to come along, but first you must place somethng on your own space.

So please push the "my space" button, look for the "edit page" button, push it and give a short intro of yourself.

Just "HI" will do also, if you don't know yet what to say.

Try plain text to start with, and push the "update" button.
After that others can post something on your space.smiley - cheers

Hi ...

Post 6

Zarquon's Singing Fish!


If you click on 'Preferences', you will be able to change your nickname from a number to something more personal!

If you want any help, just press reply, or click on my name (or one of the other ACEs) and ask for it!

If you would like to use smileys, just click on one and you can go to the smiley pagesmiley - smiley.

Hope you like this really smiley - cool place.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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