A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

Unsubscribing from conversations and entries

Post 1

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

Just want to know how I can unsubscribe from all converstions on one entry, if this is possible.

Basically, I've been subscribed to the h2g2 community pages ever since I used to be an ace in early 2000 and am subscribed to countless conversations. I would prefer to remain subscribed to those I contributed to but would like to get rid of:
1) my subscription to the the entries
2) my subscription to the many fora these entries have generated in the past two years

I don't feel like clicking unsubscribe for hundreds/thousands of times. So how can this be done?

Unsubscribing from conversations and entries

Post 2


Afraid clicking all those times *is* the only way. smiley - erm

Unsubscribing from conversations and entries

Post 3

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

Can there be no consideration from the powers that be to unsubscribe me from all conversations or something?

The prospect of clicking unsubscribe for years on end is not a nice prospect smiley - sadface

Unsubscribing from conversations and entries

Post 4

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Believe me, I empathize. I waste quite a few minutes each day unsubscribing from peer review and ask h2g2 threads on topics I'm not interested in. What makes it so time consuming is having to go back to the user space or posting list in between each subscribe -- so it averages out to 2 clicks per unsubscribe. If only you could go through a page on your posting list and check a box next to all the threads you wanted to unsubscribe from, and then just click an unsubscribe button at the bottom of the page. Poof! You've been unsubscribed from all those threads, and saved yourself quite a few clicks and reloads.

smiley - aliensmile

Unsubscribing from conversations and entries

Post 5


I hope you'll run to the feature suggestions with that idea, Mikey!

(or is it there already?)

Unsubscribing from conversations and entries

Post 6

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I'll go copy and paste it now...

smiley - biggrin

Unsubscribing from conversations and entries

Post 7

Dancer (put your advert here)

Actually, there is a way to do that.

Open the conversations list, and clic the unsubscribe with the shift key pressed.

If you have opera or Mozilla browsers it's even easier then that, because you can click the unsubscribe links with the shift+ctrl down (I think in mozilla it's shift+ctrl+alt) and the window is opened in the background, so you can click alot of clicks on the open MP123456 page and each click will unsubscribe in the background.

On a more personal note, it is suprisinng to see Ottox talking so nicely in a conversation about unsubscribing. Maybe it's just because he's in his "respectable guru" outfit smiley - winkeye

smiley - hsif

Unsubscribing from conversations and entries

Post 8


help i have unsubscribed to a conversation and i didnt mean to dont understand this thing, is there someone on line to actually have a conversation with, like a chat or something?wildiris

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