A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre


Post 21

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

And I have found out that writing stuff in English has dramatically improved my English skills smiley - smiley.

And: H2G2, volunteer-based as it is, still has a set of very strict rules (just as RLsmiley - winkeye). So another thing that you can learn with H2G2 is to exist in a system that sets some strict rules and still have fun there smiley - devil.


Post 22

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Sorry to hear about your daughter, hope she's better now... smiley - hug, just popping in to say hello, and also about the copyright thing, would it not be a good idea to have a specific place to inquire about copyright yesses-and-noes so that people who are unsure can be reassured by GURUs like me who have reads the article on copyright etc...


Post 23


Yes this conversation would be better off in the feedback forum. We do respond to questions here, but you're right, the conversation should really be going on on the moderation help desk page. smiley - smiley


Post 24

Lord Preston

I'm so sorry. i'm always posting things in the wrong place. but i hate to put posts in the feed back forum because i always feel i'll be pushing someone who needs more help then me down to the bottom of the pile as it were. i think what i really need is someone to shout at me so i never do it again. but ur all so nice that u never shout u just carefully redirect poor stupid little me to another forum, where i always get the help that i needed. you lot are way to nice to me. smiley - smiley keep it up.
Lord Preston OMFC

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