A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

Copy write

Post 1

Lord Preston

i was writting a wonderful entry the other day on wilfred owen poems, ("disabled" & "dulce et decorum est") and i included the whole poems so that people could relate to it but some one pointed out that thic could be a breach of copy write!!!!
just a little guidence please mark or peta or anyone of the h2g2 towers!!
Lord Preston OMFC

Copy write

Post 2

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

Lord Preston,

Mark made a very informative and official site about the h2g2 copyright rules. You'll find it at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A527267 . This should answer all your questions. If it doesn't, just call back smiley - winkeye

hope this helps


Copy write

Post 3

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Hey ho! I was the one who had raised the copyright issue. I talked to Peta about it, and she says yours is OK. There's a fine line between OK and not-OK, so it's always useful to check and make sure.

smiley - smiley


Post 4


Thanks everyone! smiley - smiley

Yes, the Entry was fine Lord Preston, because you're reviewing the work of the poet. So the inclusion of the poem is editorially justified in this instance. smiley - smiley


Post 5

Lord Preston

thanx eveyone.
this is when u really notice what a careing community there is in h2g2. You've all been very helpful.
oh and peta i posted a question in ur personal space about another issue. i think it's called "sorry to bother you" or something like that. no rush to read it but next time you have some spare time could you take a look please smiley - smiley.
Thank you everyone again.
Lord Preston OMFC


Post 6


Going over there now. Bit slow over the last couple of days because I've been in hospital with my sick daughter. Working from home now, so lots of catching up to do!


Post 7

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

Sorry to hear that, Peta! smiley - hug

If she needs you, take care of her, and let us take care of ourselves and of the community. We don't have to be your No.1 priority all the time (most of the time is absolutely sufficient!)smiley - winkeye



Post 8


Thanks Jeremy. smiley - smiley

It looks like she might be an epileptic, and I know nothing about epilepsy at all. Time to do some homework!

It really is a pleasure to work with all you guys, you're such a fantastic community!



Post 9

Lord Preston

sorry to hear about your daughter peta,
maybe you could search the guide - there maybe something on epilepcy (can't spell to save my life)there. al;l i know is it can be set off by flashing lights and it stops them going on some of the theme park rides smiley - sadface.
how old is your daughter?
anyway, thanks again for taking the time to help us. especialy when you have problems back home. and don't worry bout slipping back a little, i'm sure everyone in this community understands, there all so nice. smiley - smiley
Lord Preston OMFC


Post 10

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

Sorry again, Peta.

I'm not a top notch medical expert, but I worked as a paramedic for more than 4 years. I take it that you have the proper medical advice. And without knowing any details, I might perhaps give you some comfort: During those 4 years we regularily had little children with paroxysmsal cramps as our patients. It seemed to me that some children have to go through all this during their childhood, but most of them will be absolutely ok later on.

Please believe me that I don't want to butt in. This is a thing that neads profound and professional medical advice. But if you need some comfort now and then, I'll be there (and so will most of us, take that for granted).



Post 11


Thanks Lord Preston.

My daughter's aged 12. I'm just having a good hunt on the web for information. It's such a good resource!



Post 12

Lord Preston

true, you can find so much on the web. there is practicly anything on there, i use it all the time. i wouldn't have to leave my house if i didn't want 2, just order food and things of sites and get them dilivered.
Lord Preston OMFC


Post 13


Thanks very much Jeremy

We're getting some good advice. She has other medical problems anyway, chemical inbalances, and we've got a really got paediatrician on her case, so its just a case of doing a load of tests now to work out what's going on. I've just been doing some research online, and I've asked for some information packs to be sent, which will be very helpful. It may not be epilepsy at the end of the day, but a little extra information never goes amiss. I'm not the panicky type, so I'll just get informed, and leave it to the experts to find out more. smiley - smiley


Post 14

Lord Preston

always good to keep calm, the problem i have is i stay way to calm and don't get down to actualy doing any revision *hums a little tune*. how is ur daughter felling, can't be nice having to be in hosbital for a long time?
Lord Preston OMFC


Post 15


My daughter is feeling all bright and bouncy again now. smiley - smiley

So if I see you online do I tell you to go and get on with your revision? smiley - winkeye Which exams are you studying for?


Post 16


*smiley - hugs for Peta*


Post 17

Lord Preston

err, right revision, yes... oh well i guess... it's history for me then... dead people can be so intreasting.
Lord Preston OMFC


Post 18


Thanks Joanna. smiley - hug

Lord Preston you're doing some good work on h2g2, I guess it'll all help with your exams. At least that's what you can tell your parents, huh? smiley - winkeye


Post 19

Lord Preston

yeah, but i doabt the'll buy it. i do my best smiley - smiley. And i am finaly starting to get to grips with all the outlying bits and hopefully i'll be able to help all those needy people in the help forums.
Lord Preston OMFC smiley - smiley


Post 20


I found writing entries about stuff I was trying to learn helped me to get to grips with it better smiley - smiley

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