This is the Message Centre for Santragenius V


Post 1

Santragenius V

In the kitchen
Among pots and pans and with aromas flying
In the traffic
Driving or walking, with cars and lights left and right
In the sofa or the bed
Late at night, in the dark and quiet
When listening to a singer in a theatre
While watching the sun go down through trees
Alone or in a whirlpool of people
Busy or completely still
Whenever, wherever, in spite of and because
The thought of you
Always finds me.


Post 2

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])


This is at once both romantic and melancholy. Nicely done with waiting on the 'revealing' lines at the end that put the whole tableau into focus. Now...tell me what caused you to write it. What are the circumstances? Who is the one thought of? What other emotions are attached to this vignette?



Post 3

Santragenius V

smiley - ta, B4.

What caused it? Hard to say, really - especially as I seem to be in a dry spell as to poetry. You'd think it would make it easier to find out but actually it's not. The beginning of this one just happened in my head the other day towards the end of dinner - think I managed not to be too distracted with the family while holding on to the thought.

I think like many writers, it has a bit of me in it - but also a bit of a lot of other things and as such is an amalgam and the 1st person is overall one of fiction.

From my personal side - obviously, boringly, take your pick - my wife.
Yes, really smiley - smiley In other bits, I've had one or two conversations with a friend who finds himself "consistently unlucky" in those matters - and without knowing the next thing about it, a guy like him could be thinking such thoughts if he had a chosen one that didn't look to his side.

That covered the romantic and the melancholy parts. Not sure I'd spotted the melancholy part myself from the outset - but yes, you're right, it's there. And the rest is just my brain spinning and stringing words together - and I was actually quite happy with the "upside down" effect in it smiley - smiley


Post 4

Santragenius V

Oh, and just before I wrote this - or even while - I heard Astrud Gilberto singing The Girl From Ipanema" (along with Stan Getz' sax and all that but that is besides the point). Probably had some influence, too...


Post 5

SashaQ - happysad

Just a note to say I really like this, too - romantic and melancholy indeed... smiley - bravesmiley - loveblush


Post 6

Santragenius V

smiley - tasmiley - blush

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