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NaJoPoMo! Nov 28: On the Road Again

Post 1

Santragenius V

(Katie Melua)

I'm cheating - haven't actually heard the song. But I am.

Currently hurrying to get mails synchronised to my PC - there are a few things I'd like to have a look on during the flight to Paris. And those are not really suitable for an iPhone screen.

Just had an avocado/tomato/mozzarella sandwich and a nice juice and will sip my double shot latte on the way to A20. (Joe & the Juice is my new favourite place at the airport).

Au revoir!

NaJoPoMo! Nov 28: On the Road Again

Post 2

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

That bakery just along from it is nice., obviously - plus for the first time I understood why your nation is famous for its pastries.

NaJoPoMo! Nov 28: On the Road Again

Post 3

Icy North

Is Katie Melua's version a cover of the Canned Heat classic?

When did you last hear a hurdy-gurdy in a Simon Cowell pop song?

NaJoPoMo! Nov 28: On the Road Again

Post 4


smiley - cheerup

NaJoPoMo! Nov 28: On the Road Again

Post 5


Willie Nelson

NaJoPoMo! Nov 28: On the Road Again

Post 6

Santragenius V

From musical memory, it's not the same "On the road again", at least not as Willie Nelson. Could google of course, but as we've just come into the hotel after taking a trip round the exhibition centre and I'm due in the lobby for a pre-dinner smiley - ale in 13 minutes ... nah

smiley - footprints

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