A Conversation for Millennium Anthems
Millennium Anthems
Bazooka Started conversation Nov 22, 1999
To start the ball rolling I will give ya 3 of my favourites.
1. Ace of Spades, Motorhead.
2. 20th Century Boy, T-Rex
3. Design for Life, Manic Street Preachers.
Come on guys im sure you can do better than these, so get voting.
Millennium Anthems
Anonymouse Posted Nov 23, 1999
Hmm.. I hope you can vote more than once, because three is pretty limiting.. and I'm not even familiar with some written in 1000.
1) Stairway to Heaven -- Led Zepplin
2) Trumpeter's Lullaby -- (I forget)
3) Wonderful World -- Louis Armstrong
(That's a nice round set. )
Millennium Anthems
Anonymouse Posted Nov 23, 1999
The Rose -- Bette Middler (among others)
Morning Has Broken -- Cat Stevens
Tire Tracks and Broken Hearts -- Bonnie Tyler
(written by Andrew Lloyd Webber)
Millennium Anthems
Anonymouse Posted Nov 23, 1999
Alice Cooper:
1) Poison
2) Bark at the Moon
3) Hey Stupid
(That last one should be made into a required assignment for all teenagers: To listen and write down the lyrics. )
Millennium Anthems
Jo (Dead) Posted Nov 23, 1999
1)Savage Garden(hahahahahahahaha):I Knew I Loved You
2)Queen:Don't Stop Me Now
3)No Doubt:Don't Speak
I like anything. I'm trying (and failing) to produce a nice selection.
Millennium Anthems
saber Posted Nov 23, 1999
Oh sorry wrong fingey. Better change the name of it. Ain't sex complicated. Nope already been done. I got one, "ain't sex just ssooooooo fun". And no cocky remards, Birthday Bazz.
Millennium Anthems
msmonsy Posted Nov 23, 1999
am i the only one or does anyone else happen to notice that dear saber seems to be a bit on the "tippsy" side?
Millennium Anthems
Anonymouse Posted Nov 24, 1999
Is that the excuse he's sticking with?
1) House of the Rising Sun
--most commonly attributed to The Animals,
but performed by many artists, often better.
2) Jumpin Jack Flash
-- Do I really need to say who?
3) Battle of New Orleans
--Jimmy Horton
(just kidding, but hey, I had to immortalize
my friend somehow, eh? )
Millennium Anthems
saffire Posted Nov 24, 1999
ive got no idea what the three best songs of the millenium are---
but i love the beatles' yesterday
im sure ill think of more later
Millennium Anthems
saber Posted Nov 26, 1999
That's better I'm back to my normal, sadistic self...
Well I like Alice Cooper, Schools out forever.
He really sums up my thoughts exactly
Millennium Anthems
MadMunk?¿ Posted Nov 26, 1999
1)Motorhead:Ace of spades
2)Led Zeppelin:Kashmir/No Quarter (not decided yet)
3)Dire Straights: Money for Nothing
Your right... 3 is VERY constricting... i need at least another 20...
Millennium Anthems
Anonymouse Posted Nov 27, 1999
That reminds me:
There's got to be a morning after
Listen, children
To a story
That was written
Long ago
How the people
Of the mountain
And the valley
Fought below
Just call me Angel
Of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek
Before you leave me, Baby
Hey! Wasn't it me who said
That nothin good's gonna last forever
And hey! Wasn't ie me who said
Let's just be glad for the time together
Erm... okay.. but remember.. -you- reminded me.
Key: Complain about this post
Millennium Anthems
- 1: Bazooka (Nov 22, 1999)
- 2: msmonsy (Nov 22, 1999)
- 3: Anonymouse (Nov 23, 1999)
- 4: Anonymouse (Nov 23, 1999)
- 5: Danisbackfromlunch (Nov 23, 1999)
- 6: Anonymouse (Nov 23, 1999)
- 7: Bazooka (Nov 23, 1999)
- 8: Jo (Dead) (Nov 23, 1999)
- 9: saber (Nov 23, 1999)
- 10: saber (Nov 23, 1999)
- 11: Jo (Dead) (Nov 23, 1999)
- 12: msmonsy (Nov 23, 1999)
- 13: Anonymouse (Nov 24, 1999)
- 14: Jo (Dead) (Nov 24, 1999)
- 15: saffire (Nov 24, 1999)
- 16: Jo (Dead) (Nov 26, 1999)
- 17: saber (Nov 26, 1999)
- 18: MadMunk?¿ (Nov 26, 1999)
- 19: saffire (Nov 27, 1999)
- 20: Anonymouse (Nov 27, 1999)
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