A Conversation for The Failure of Christianity to Stand Up to Reason

The Failure of this article to stand up to reason...

Post 61


No Della. Read what I am saying. Please do not read what you think I mean. It says this:

Stop, please.

You know what this means but you don't want to stop because you feel unfairly treated. I don't know if that is true or not, I don't care, to be honest.

One can disagree with anyone here, surely? Why can't you? Perhaps it is the manner in which you disagree, or debate?

Stesmiley - mod

The Failure of this article to stand up to reason...

Post 62



It's okay, Ste. I think everyone here was able to read that clearly enough - except Della. She prefers to take it and turn it into yet another 'Della/victim' scenario.

You get used to it after a couple of years or so . . .


The Failure of this article to stand up to reason...

Post 63


i dont believe many of the things this guy wrote but he brings up a good point about the geneologys and the fact that aside from the bible there arent really books that talk about jesus. I find it hard to believe in christianity because there are many inconsistancies but i dont think any of the apostles or the people that suffered persecution under the roman empire could have forged the bible

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The Failure of this article to stand up to reason...

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