A Conversation for Volunteer to be an Ace

do NOT (!) make me an ace...

Post 1

Leines [R184050] (Kolnafi)

.. because I'm just a newcomer here into h2g2.

I HOPE that I will join the community often enough to get some contacts that are interesting both for me and the person(s) on the other side. Also my English is not as good as yours probably is, that's mostly because I am a German. (Hear my accent?)

Well, beside of that I have a real life besides this community. That means (at least to me), that I have not yet checked out what this here is all about. I will find out and I will file an entry to this guide if I finally will have understood. THEN (!) make m ean Ace or anything that fits my needs. I'd really like to edit texts or "create real prosa" out of the best entries, but humm, gimme time smiley - winkeye

I just wanted to let you know that I am here.

Leines, Researcher 184050
Keeper of lost notes and forgotten ideas (unregistered yet smiley - smiley )

(Condolences to all people hit by the catastrophes in NYC, Wash. DC and Penn.)

do NOT (!) make me an ace...

Post 2

Shorty† (ACE, Keeper, Muse, MuG, Thingite)

As far as I know, people aren't actually made ACEs unless they request to be one, and getting a reply after that can sometimes take awhile.

If you would be interested in editing entries, or something of that nature, you might want to check into volunteering to be a Scout of a Sub-Editor later on down the road.

Have fun!
Shorty smiley - smiley

do NOT (!) make me an ace...

Post 3



Thanks Shorty! smiley - smiley

we will be recruiting more ACEs in about a month so watch this space.

Thanks for volunteering.


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