A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach
Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall
Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) ) Posted May 31, 2000
*takes a donut covered in blueberry sprinkles & tries to lift a depression by eating it...then having another one...*
Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall
Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) ) Posted May 31, 2000
Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall
Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) ) Posted May 31, 2000
It's such a coincidence I know...
Actually...hmm...I haven't been around as much as I'd like to be...
Oh well...I'm here now...
Mmm...I think I'll have to have another donut...
Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall
J'au-æmne Posted May 31, 2000
Bon soir... I'm only here for a couple of minutes until my mother comes downstairs and shouts at me "you ~said~ you were just going to read you email! you're very tired, I know, you've had a long day..."
*eats a cinnamon donut, and hope's E's depression lifts*
*considers ICQing herself tommorow since she'll be able to...*
Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall
Demon Drawer Posted May 31, 2000
Hi Pablo Blade, surprised, why have you been looking for me.
Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall
Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated) Posted May 31, 2000
Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall
The Cheese Posted Jun 1, 2000
*Takes a Chocolate DNA after nearly passing out from doughnut withdrawal*
Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall
J'au-æmne Posted Jun 1, 2000
*eats a chocolate supreme, but cause I may go offline any second...*
Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall
J'au-æmne Posted Jun 1, 2000
It appears for the time being that no-one is making a fuss about me still being online. But I have to help with drying up in a minute... and then go shopping for a photo album, for all my piccies from hyde park.
Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall
The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin Posted Jun 1, 2000
*Helps self to syrup donuts whilst on a sneaky revision break*
Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall
Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated) Posted Jun 1, 2000
[bounces up] MEWY MWEE, MEWEWEWEWEW[splash]
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Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall
- 41: Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) ) (May 31, 2000)
- 42: Demon Drawer (May 31, 2000)
- 43: Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) ) (May 31, 2000)
- 44: Demon Drawer (May 31, 2000)
- 45: Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) ) (May 31, 2000)
- 46: Demon Drawer (May 31, 2000)
- 47: Pablo Blade (May 31, 2000)
- 48: J'au-æmne (May 31, 2000)
- 49: Demon Drawer (May 31, 2000)
- 50: Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated) (May 31, 2000)
- 51: J'au-æmne (May 31, 2000)
- 52: The Cheese (Jun 1, 2000)
- 53: J'au-æmne (Jun 1, 2000)
- 54: Demon Drawer (Jun 1, 2000)
- 55: J'au-æmne (Jun 1, 2000)
- 56: Demon Drawer (Jun 1, 2000)
- 57: J'au-æmne (Jun 1, 2000)
- 58: The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin (Jun 1, 2000)
- 59: Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated) (Jun 1, 2000)
- 60: J'au-æmne (Jun 1, 2000)
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