A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 21

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)

[bounces off Mt. Sandcastle]

}WHY do we move so often?{

[takes another Mobius Strip Donut]

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 22

Demon Drawer

Was Mew just here expecting service by thinking it

The Force is strong with this one.

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 23

Lux Rothchop (wouldn't it be great if people were nice to each other for a change?)

*Walks in, wondering why it's so quiet*

Ah. No-one here except telepaths. I see.

Don't mind me - just passing through.

*Takes an S7 and wanders away again*

Hang on a minute. I'm not telepathic!

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 24

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*takes a toffee EBA whilst being thoroughly distracted by ICQ and wonders if anyone else would like one...smiley - smiley*

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 25

A Fish called Bob

Mmmm....*licks lips*smiley - bigeyes

smiley - fish

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 26

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

I think I know the bit you're talking about...I'll have to look now...smiley - smiley

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 27

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Oops...right forum...wrong post...smiley - winkeye

Try again...

...right forum...right post this time...smiley - smiley

You'd like a donut?

...perhaps...erm...a chocolate supreme? an IWA? smiley - smiley

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 28

A Fish called Bob

smiley - bigeyesMmm, chocolate! my favorite!smiley - bigeyes

smiley - fish

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 29

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Here you go then...smiley - smiley

*hands over a chocolate supreme*

...and goodnight...I'm soooooooo tired...I need to sleep...smiley - winkeye

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 30

Captain Sensible

I guess I shouldn't be expecting to get served this late in the day...?smiley - smiley

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 31

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)

[cocks his head, giving the impression of just barely comprehending the Captain, even though everyone knows damn well that he can understand them]

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 32


*Strides in and takes a deep breath*

Ah, I love the smell of doughnuts in the morning smiley - smiley

*Reaches into the fridge for a JD which is zapped in the microwave just long enough to take the chill off*

Perfecto smiley - smiley

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 33


*starts reading the backlog*

*doesn't understand*

*has a chocolate supreme*

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 34

Demon Drawer


I see what you mean re: the backlog.

Has a Seville Orange JD in honour of Crusader's return from Spain. Ole. smiley - winkeye

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 35


Just dropping in for a P&M, haven't had one in ages smiley - smiley. I gave up with the backlog.

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 36

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Backlog? What backlog? smiley - winkeye

Chocolate supreme for me - I need loads of energy for my first exam tomorrow!

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 37

Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

*Stomps in, after seeing the mess p500e made of the Esipretne forum*
EBA please, E smiley - smiley
*Puts 'I don't like Mondays' by the Boomtown Rats on the jukebox*
Yeah, I know it's Wednesday.... smiley - winkeye

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 38

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)


Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 39

Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

I know just how you feel Mew... smiley - winkeye

Mt. Sandcastle's Sunny Donut Stall

Post 40

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)

}Well, I doubt that.{ smiley - bigeyes

[munches on the donut some more]

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