A Conversation for The Channel Islands

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 1


Who lives on them? How is it that they're owned by the UK rather than by France? What is their major source of income? Share your knowledge of the beautiful Channel Islands with the rest of h2g2! smiley - smiley


UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 2



ok, the Largest and most southerly of the Islands is Jersey, famous for the Jersey royal potato, the Jersey cow and the Jersey (the jumper). it is independantly governed i think, but i need to look up the full details on that.

the second largest is Guernsey to the north of Jersey. more info to follow.

next to Guernsey are Sark and Herm. neither of these have airports because they are so small, and cars are only allowed in special circumstances. the majority of transport is done on bicycles and tractors.

the northernmost (is that a word?) island is Alderney which is smaller than Guernsey but larger than Sark and Herm.

as well as these islands there are a group of rocks somewhere is the middle called the Ekrahoes (will check spelling later) which was inhabited by a farmer who kept sheep.

this is all the relevant info i can think of offhand, but if i can look it up i can provide a lot more stuff.

is it possible to have separate entries on each island of would they all be put together in a general entry?

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

The Channel Islands are not part of the UK.

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 4


Indeed not, as I said above. But it'd be nice to get some facts and figures together so we can have an over-arching entry to act as an introduction to them! smiley - smiley


UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 5


I didn't say above, did I?

Stupid Paul!

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 6


i think you said it in the announcements thread. oh well, it i do my job properly all this confusion will be cleared up.smiley - smiley

there is an existing entry on jersey already. shall i add a link to it or update/replace it because frankly it's not very good.

p.s. yes i am volunteering to do this.

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 7


We have a volunteer - superb! Thanks, Galigan! smiley - cheers

Regarding the Jersey Entry - the best place to do that would be the UpdateForum.

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 8


ok. i'll draft another entry on that when i have some time and pop over to the update forum with it.smiley - ok

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 9


Great stuff! smiley - ok

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 10


smiley - biggrin

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 11


As a Crown Dependancy don't forget to link to A3197207 The Isle of Man and A2027008 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland smiley - ok


UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 12


ok, i will add those, although i'm still not sure about the whole UK/GB thing. i'll work it out though.smiley - smiley

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 13

Number Six

Galigan - does this help? A2027008 - The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

smiley - mod

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 14


it probably should but i've gone through that once already. i didn't read it in detail though so i will fully go through that later and inform myself.

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 15


I'm delighted to announce that we already have two County entries in Peer Review, waiting to receive any bouquets or brickbats that people might lob in their general direction! If you're currently either working on or contributing to a County entry of your own right now, you might like to have a quick look to see how some other researchers have tackled this challenge. They are: County Fermanagh (A6092606) and Norfolk (A6108473).

Hope you enjoy reading them! smiley - smiley


UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 16


this is the channel islands entry so far. A6032701 i can't think of much else that should be included right now. what do you lot think?

UK Counties & Regions - The Channel Islands

Post 17


i've put it into Peer Review

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Post 18

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