This is the Message Centre for Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 1

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Hi Wilson Brown-Bear!

Welcome to H2G2, earth Edition. I hope you'll have a great time in here. Most people you'll meet are quite harmless and friendly, so if you ever have a question, and can't find the answer by following the links at the bottom of the H2G2 homepage, and clicking "Don't Panic" doesn't help either (unlikely in most cases), you can ask most of them. Just drop a line in the forum "Ask H2G2" ( ), and you're bound to get a reply.

Enjoy your visits to this site!

Festival (Towel Bearer)

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 2

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Owww, shucks, ta for saying hi.



Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 3

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

And here's a less formal hello! Welcome! Drop by the Church of the True Brownie and join up. Stop by TV Frink's bar, too, for fun.

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 4

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Hey thanks... nice to hear from you... smiley - smiley



Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 5


Or just stop by the Waterworks, Forum & Firkin, Aroma Cafe - pretty much anywhere will do smiley - smiley

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 6

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

So many, many places to visit, and so little time!!



Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 7

Researcher 99947

Hello... love the Marvin reference... you should get the wav for that

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 8

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Marvin is my hero... we are very alike in personalities if not in looks... smiley - sadface



Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 9

Researcher 99947

Hmm... my English teacher referred to me as Marvin... the knickname stuck all through high school ... I don't mind... it is true

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 10

Santragenius V

Hmmm, interesting you should say that -- our cat is called Marvin, very appropriately too since he certainly looks at us now and again with that "my brain is so much bigger than yours that it's not possible to even begin measuring it" kind of look...

Or do you just refer to being paranoid?

Why stop now, just when I'm hating it... smiley - winkeye



Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 11

Researcher 99947

Both, really

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 12

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

There's certainly a lot of Marvins around!!

smiley - sadface WbB

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 13

Albert the Teddy-Dog

Hello Wilson! I have finally got my own user name, and I thought maybe we could be friends, if you liked.

I would really...

WOOF! WOOF! That's MY bone! Leave it alone! WOOF!

... enjoy making your acquaintance.

smiley - bigeyes

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 14

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Hello Albert, I like you. Hope you don't mind.

I'm not getting you down am I?

smiley - sadface WbB

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 15

Albert the Teddy-Dog

You're definitely not... woof... getting... WOOF... me down... smiley - smiley

NOTHING gets me down! smiley - bigeyes

Except a bone...

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 16

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

I haven't got any bones, I am stuffed... ~burp!!~

smiley - sadface WbB

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 17


Shall I ask Mr Banana and Al to get their own H2G2 IDentities too..?

Just to say "Hi" to a new hiker...

Post 18

Wilson Brown-Bear (PSoDL)

Could make life interesting...

smiley - sadface WbB

A Challenge:

Post 19


Wilson, try typing:
: - ) without any spaces between, and then posting the message. smiley - smiley

A Challenge:

Post 20

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I've seen WbB in many forums, but I don't think that I've ever seen him smile... smiley - winkeye

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