A Conversation for Thingite Party Political Broadcast

Where my vote is going

Post 1

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

I can not vote this year, for one reason: I am a Thingite, a God, a Dragonite, and Part of the Evil Army. For these reasons, no one will be getting my vote, meaning VOTER APATHY!!!

Where my vote is going

Post 2

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

I am so sorry!! I forgot about the Masters of the Multiverse, which I am one of.

Where my vote is going

Post 3

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Surely alliegence to clan things over rides all others? smiley - winkeye

You could always vote for none of the above - and then put Thingites second on your ballot list. It is proportional representation after all. smiley - ok

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