This is the Message Centre for GreeboTCat

Opposites attract...

Post 1


Hmmm... Me has just been informed that the way me writes is displeasing to read... and babyfies me... scary thought ~soulful grin~ ... on the other paw... someone just told me that me was special... which immediately put me into major huggle mode... ~happier grin~

Just goes to prove what a wonderful world H2G2 is... full of opposites...

(Displeasing but special... so not caring... er... much...)

Opposites attract...

Post 2

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut
smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut
smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut
smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut
smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut

That should keep you going, who is this bounder Bob anyway. Tell him from me if I catch him eating these doughnuts - there'll be hell to pay.

I took a special picture just for you during the photo treasure hunt in London. It was - unsurprisingly - a doughnut shop, if you like to drop past my space and use the e-mail Bassman button, I will send you a copy.

Where have you been, I've not heard from you for ages, I was thinking about what you'd said about curiosity and things.... and feared the worse.

Bassman smiley - cool

Opposites attract...

Post 3

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I forgot....

I think the way you speak is totally unique and very much part of who and what you are. I don't think any of your fans would have it any other way. As for the rest smiley - grr they can go boil their heads!!

smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut
smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut
smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut
smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut
smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut

Just to be sure....

Bassman smiley - cool

Opposites attract...

Post 4


~Greebo squeals with delight and launches herself at Bassman... lands on his chest and digs her titanium tipped claws in to keep in place~

Ohhhhhhhhh... me wubbles you lots and lots and lots...

~Greebo's nose is inches away... and her delicate whiskers tickle Bassmans cheek~

Opposites attract...

Post 5

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Yours is a distinctive style and I wouldn't want you to change it for the world....

Clive (who remebers the ACE who first welcomed him here..smiley - cheerup)

smiley - biggrin

Opposites attract...

Post 6


Oh such lovely flowers... ~grin~... thank you Clive... ~huggle~

Opposites attract...

Post 7

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

You're going to have to stop tickling my nose or I'll sneeze!!

Bassman smiley - cool

Opposites attract...

Post 8


Me not mind... you can sneeze over my shoulder... and with good aim you might hit Clive... ~slightly evil grin~

Opposites attract...

Post 9

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

smiley - bigeyes

I have a rocket pack strapped to my back. I'd be dust before he even blinked.

smiley - winkeye

Opposites attract...

Post 10

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

smiley - bigeyes

I have a rocket pack strapped to my back. I'd be dust before he even blinked.

smiley - winkeye

Opposites attract...

Post 11

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

::wonder why it did that:: smiley - huh

Opposites attract...

Post 12


Tis cause you so quick Clive... ~grin~... you were in two places at the same time....

Opposites attract...

Post 13

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

super-sonic ostrich! smiley - biggrin

Opposites attract...

Post 14


Yay... ~grin~


Opposites attract...

Post 15

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!


Bassman smiley - cool

Opposites attract...

Post 16


~Greebo hands Bassman a large white hanky~

Opposites attract...

Post 17

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!



Bassman smiley - cool

Opposites attract...

Post 18


Are you upset Bassman my dear... or have you caught a cold?

Opposites attract...

Post 19

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I was going to say no - just irritated, but I think No - just tickled would be better!! ~grin~ smiley - biggrin ~grin~

I've installed a Greeblet badge at my space, most splendid it looks too....

Bassman smiley - cool

Opposites attract...

Post 20


... and very fine it looks to... ~grin~... er.. why were you irratated before you were tickled...

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