This is the Message Centre for Afgncaap5

Turtle Doves

Post 1


Well, here we are at December 26th. Boxing Day, as I've heard some call it.

Christmas Day was merry for me, so it's time to continue the revelries. I can never remember, though, if Boxing Day is the second day of Christmas, or if it's the first.

Or maybe it's one of those weird things where the "day" actually starts at sundown, so the first day of Christmas begins on Christmas night.

...regardless, we're amidst the 12 days.

Shopping Tip: Gift giving is good during the twelve days. And now that Christmas Day proper is behind us, a lot of stores (caught up in the commercialism) have slashed prices. Wait a couple of days for that first crowd to die down, and then go shopping for Christmas gifts. If people are confused about why they're receiving, point out that the 12 days last until early January.

If they don't believe you, Just cite Shakespeare's Twelfthnight as an example. It doesn't matter that you don't actually give a reason for putting it in the beginning of January: people assume that you're quoting Shakespeare, so must therefore know what you're talking about (note: doesn't always work with theater or literature enthusiasts, or people who really like arguing for the sake of arguing.)

Regardless, hope your Christmas day was merry. Bring on Stevenmas so that we can sing Good Kind Winceslas!

Turtle Doves

Post 2


I think this is St Stephen's Day. Anyway I will be taking advantage of the post-Christmas sales (they always used to be the New Year sales, but I'm not sure what to call them now) to buy gifts because I'll be seeing my dad's family in about three weeks' time.

Turtle Doves

Post 3

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Look at this:

Turtle Doves

Post 4


From GDZ's link:
"The 12 days of Christmas, in fact, are the days from Dec. 25, celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ, to the Epiphany, celebrated on Jan. 6 as the day when the manifestation of Christ's glory was realized."

That's actually thirteen days...

Turtle Doves

Post 5


Well, I received a nice Christmas gift today and don't really care if it is late or on time or what. smiley - smiley

Turtle Doves

Post 6

Dizzy H. Muffin

I got a bunch of good stuff too. Not *everything*, mind, but ...

Turtle Doves

Post 7


And, of course, there's always the "Bob & Doug Mackenzie" (won't look up spelling, it's 3 AM) method.

"What are the 12 days of Christmas?"
"Well, Christmas and Christmas Eve..."
"That's two."
"Then there's...Wrestling Day-"
"Boxing Day."
"That's three. How d'ya get twelve?"
"New Years!"
"Four. And-"
"New Years Eve."
"Five. How d'ya get twelve?"
"Well, there's...four saturdays and sundays in there, that's nine. And the other three are, I believe...The Mystery Days."

I'll listen to that in the morning and check to see how many ways I remembered that bit incorrectly. Still, something about "the mystery days" always cracks me up.

Turtle Doves

Post 8

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

That's pretty close Affy.

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