This is the Message Centre for Afgncaap5

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 1


It has come to my attention that one of my professors next Autumn will be the author of The Book Of The Dun Cow, one of the earliest bedtime stories that I remember from when I was younger. Must not get star struck, must not get star struck, must not get star struck...

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 2


That's really neat, Affy. smiley - ok I like stories like this.

Did you give any more consideration to attending the meet? I think you and Baggers would have a good time together. smiley - smiley

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 3


I'm planning on it, but there's still a lot of "ifs" in there. The folks at work have been getting increasingly demanding, and they hate it when people take time off around holidays.smiley - winkeye

The timing could've been better. I've gotten into this really bizarre (and probably unhealthy) weight-scale swing this past year, alternating from unhealthily thin to unhealthily overweight. My hope is that I can put less thought into enjoying the 4th of July food.smiley - winkeye

Oh, and I've decided: I won't wear a mask, but my name will stay secret to everyone who can't beat me at round of Mancala.

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 4


Great! You don't have to tell anyone your real name. I'm just happy you're coming. I know it's a long trip for everyone and the timing sucks. But there isn't ever going to be a good time or a good location for a US meet.

I've been trying to lose weight, but I'm not going to worry about it for the meet. I'm just going to have a good time and eat what I please. smiley - smiley

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 5


I'm not worried about losing weight. I'm worried about *settling* on a weight. I have this weird metabolism because I'm a closet vegetarian in a house full of carnivores. So whenever I actually *do* eat salad, I tend to overeat. I've basically got a lopsided food pyramid.smiley - winkeye

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 6


"Overeat" and "salad" are not often used in the same sentence.

*gets out mancala set and starts practising*

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 7


I use them a lot in the same sentences. I'm possibly the healthiest overweight person in a twenty mile radius, because I eat all the right foods, but I eat them far too much.

I'm the perfect example of why kids shouldn't listen to their parents and eat veggies, basically. You just might like them.smiley - winkeye

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 8


Oh, and Bagpuss, I hope you're practicing the rules of Mancala that I'm familiar with. As the magical imp character here, I get to lay the ground rules for the challenge.smiley - winkeye

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 9


*wanders off to see if she can find out what the heck mancala is*

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 10



Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 11


Affy - mostly I'm getting whipped by computer programs.

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 12


Don't play against computers to get better. Play against humans. Create your own mancalla board with pebbles and styrofoam cups or muffin trays.

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 13


Sadly no-one round here is interested in board games. I will try to get some practice in though.

Oh, you're THAT Walt Wangerin.

Post 14


Dangit, I just lost two of my Mancala pebbles this morning, too.

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