A Conversation for Community Choice

Space, cancer and the homeless

Post 1


i recently posted a question on "ask H2G2" about why money is spent on funding space research instead of curing canser and housingthe homeless. This could spark ver witty and deep debates and i was wondering if you could point others in the direction of it.
Actually, my real reason for asking is that I have to argue in a debate about it, and need all the help i could get!
It would really help me if anyone out there has any views on it!!



Space, cancer and the homeless

Post 2


Hi Red

I can certainly point people in the direction of the thread.. Good subject.

Why don't you make a user page out of it. Write a bit about what you do know on the subject. Then I could link to the page?

When is the debate? Hope it goes well!

Space, cancer and the homeless

Post 3


Thanks Peta,
I think i will make a page of it when i get a chance. the debate is on saturday 6th Nov, and I *have* to win! smiley - winkeye

Space, cancer and the homeless

Post 4


I can't find this thread in Ask h2g2 - can you paste the thread address in here for me please Red. You know what you called it!


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