A Conversation for Neil Gaiman's Sandman

Sandman entry

Post 1


Nice entry, but a bit of background about "the endless" is missing. A few references to other works by Gaiman could be added too.

Sandman entry

Post 2

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I'm going to have to agree with giluz. You've given a wonderful background for the series, but there's so much more (as you point out) to it than that. You might want to think about doing more entries, just so that you can discuss the series more thoroughly. smiley - smiley

Sandman entry

Post 3

Zach Garland

This entry was intended to just give a summary or overview of the graphic novel series itself. Were I to have mentioned any Endless besides Dream in any detail, it would have been unfair not to mention them all, and then all the characters that each of the Endless touched. In short, I never would have gotten the original piece done.

I would welcome seeing other Field Researchers expand on this subject matter, discussing not only popular characters from the series but also places they have gone, and other works Neil Gaiman has written. This entry was not intended to be the final word on the subject. On the contrary, I am hoping this is just the beginning.

Sandman entry

Post 4


So do I. It was a wonderful series and sorely missed.

Sandman entry

Post 5


Indeed, to include all of them would have made your page several reams. Hang about, it's already several reams...

I particularly enjoyed the list of things you've learned from Sandman. Gaiman has the uncanny ability to understand what drives people (this is something I think he has denied being able to do, but maybe I'm talking rubbish), and this list illustrates how complex and convoluted the story of Morpheus really is. Every time I go back to read the series I see new things...it is truly a master storyteller who can provide new revelations with every reading.

I find his other projects, particularly Neverwhere, illuminate this as well.

Sandman entry

Post 6

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

My remarks were not meant as criticism in any way. I thoroughly enjoyed your entry. I just thought that there were many jumping off places and wanted to know which you were planning on taking. And I may take you up on your challenge and write something on Gaiman's other works. I've always found him quite intriguing. smiley - smiley

Sandman entry

Post 7

Pat La Mouche

Maybe it would be a good idea to start a "dramatis personae" for the whole series. Each and every (significant) person in the series could have his, her or its separate entry in the Guide.
(A few years ago I started out doing just that myself, but a whole bunch of personal problems, including divorce, interfered with this.)
Unfortunately for me, the series only lives on in my memory. I lost my Sandman-collection because of those "problems", otherwise I would gladly volunteer for the job of editing and compiling those entries.

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