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Back To Work

Post 1


So, I finally started my new job today. The walk to work is short, the people seem nice and the work is not yet difficult. Can't really complain can I? smiley - smiley

Back To Work

Post 2

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I am jealous at least about the commute. My commute is hellish.

Back To Work

Post 3


More HooToo time for you then?

Back To Work

Post 4


I hope the new job turns out to be both interesting and rewarding.

I am also envious of your ability to walk to work. I'm actually close enough - less than a mile - but there aren't any sidewalks to use, making it too dangerous. smiley - sigh

Back To Work

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

In my home town, I used my bicycle to get me to work and to the city centre - it took me about 10 minutes, and I used to ride my bike all year around. Aaaah... nothing like being the first to leave any prints in newly fallen snow, your tires making a soft whispering sound... *gets a dreamy look on her face*

*returns to reality*

After moving to Stockholm, the distance from my home to work is about 30 kilometres one way, which is a bit too far for a bicycle... *sighs*

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