This is the Message Centre for Shea the Sarcastic


Post 1


RL has surprisingly grinded to a halt. There's absolutley nothing to do. I've read all my books, finished all my work, and now I've retreated to my haven here at h2g2...


h2g2 life has surprisingly grinded to a halt. Nobody's saying hello, so I thought I might as well be the one to go around saying it. (If you want to be really nice, respond to my journal entry on Doktor Wagner too smiley - winkeye)

And so...


How's it going? smiley - biggrin


Post 2

Shea the Sarcastic

Hey YP! It's going! But I guess I timed this post poorly! Being in NY, and working nights, I tend to keep very different hours than everyone but those on the west coast of the Americas, and the Australians! smiley - winkeye

When things get a little slow, I like to either click on names from the "Who's Online" window, or visit the info page:
It has a list of the Twenty Most Recently Updated Conversations. Clicking on one of those is sure to find you someone else to talk to, or if nothing else a possible nice lurking session! smiley - ok

Call yourself sarcastic?

Post 3


Only joking. I'm an artist too. I was based in London, but I moved to northern climes so I could play bingo more frequently.
i want to know more about you... us artists are a dying breed.
I'm 25, I collect spatulas and pictures of men in wigs.
Do you wear a wig? If so, send me a photo. I'll add it to my collection.

Call yourself sarcastic?

Post 4

Shea the Sarcastic

Hey Nic! I'm a woman and I don't wear a wig, so I'm sure you don't want to see my picture! smiley - tongueout

What kind of art are you into? I'm an impressionist fan, but couldn't paint that way if I had a gun pointed at me! I lean more towards realism.

Oh, you collect spatulas. How exciting.
(Was that sarcastic enough for you? smiley - winkeye )

Call yourself sarcastic?

Post 5

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I have Shea's picture and I'll auction it to the highest bidder. smiley - devil

Call yourself sarcastic?

Post 6

Shea the Sarcastic

Oh yeah? Two can play at that game!

I've got a cleverly Photoshopped version of Clive's picture ... and it's free! smiley - winkeye

Call yourself sarcastic?

Post 7


Surrealism is good. If you're ever in London, you have to visit the Tate Modern. They serve good coffee too.

Call yourself sarcastic?

Post 8

Shea the Sarcastic

I was just in London in the beginning of July. I was going to hit most of the museums, but only got to a small bit of the National Gallery, and the Vermeer exhibit there, and the V&A. Maybe next time ... smiley - winkeye

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