A Conversation for The GuideML Clinic


Post 1


Is anybody using GuideDog with OpenOffice 3.1? I can't get it to recognise the use of italics in the .odt document - the same applies to bold but I'm far less interested in that. Bold AND italic together work, but neither on their own. I've looked at the ODTtoGuideML.xsl filter which seems as though it ought to work, and GuideDog for OpenOffice A7720562 says that italics are supported.

The author of that entry Baryonic Being U234603 (aka fermion on SourceForge, the repository for the develoment project) hasn't posted since the end of 2006.

Is there anyone besides me interested in this project? With my luck someone's going to tell me there's a huge thread on GuideDog. If so I apologise 'cos I've missed it.

smiley - cheers

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