A Conversation for The GuideML Clinic

Improved Preview Versus Posting

Post 1



I was round at the home of a fellow researcher, struggling with my first Guide ML entry, and couldn't find where to come for help. He showed me, but I inadvertently posted my query under his name. So here it is from the horse's mouth:

I put up my first page in Guide ML. It worked perfectly when I clicked the Preview button, but when I posted it all I got was a page of code.

If it helps, the Preview gave a warning that my tag was incorrect, expecting a P, so I put in a rogue tag above , which satisfied the Preview page though it seemed illogical. When I took the extra out, neither posting nor preview worked.

You can see it at A48951390



Improved Preview Versus Posting

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

I posted the answer to your problem here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F24276?thread=6427646 Just add the

tag where I said, and it will work fine. Bel

Improved Preview Versus Posting

Post 3


Hi Bel,

I made the change you suggested, but the problem remains.

Also the simple "test" page (A48954478} which has so little text on it even I couldn't miss any errors has the same problem: OK in preview, rubbish when posted.

Sorry to be a nuisance,


Improved Preview Versus Posting

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

Your test page is still set to plain text, which is why it doesn't work. Read my reply to your post in the other thread. And when I checked this morning, you hadn't added the tag yet. (oh, and when you do, remove the rogue one at the bottom)

Improved Preview Versus Posting

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

OK, I checked your corrected version, and it works perfectly fine. I guess you didn't click the 'change style' for this one, either, so it works in preview, but the moment you update, it changes back to plain text and you get the page as you see it.

Improved Preview Versus Posting

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

The GuideML looks OK to me - I copied and pasted into this, and it works just fine:

Improved Preview Versus Posting

Post 7


All is well. MLs are a foreign language to me. I shall be more diligent in future.



smiley - somersault

Improved Preview Versus Posting

Post 8


Thanks, Bel. Sorry to be so dim.

smiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersault

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