A Conversation for The GuideML Clinic

Tags show, WHY?

Post 1



HTML is no longer an option, so I tried to convert my entries into GuideML. Now all of the tags show, and it looks terrible. All of the tags are in caps, all are closed, and I haven't used any not listed as approved. The entry begins with and ends with . So what's wrong??? Please let me know, because right now my entries aren't pretty, and its after one in the morning, and I'm very tired. Thanks.

Tags show, WHY?

Post 2


I can't find one of your entries where this is happening (2 are currently pending moderation & the other displays correctly)

Have you set the entry type to GuideML? You do this whilst editing the entry - click on the GuideML radion button & click the "Change Entry Type" button.

hope it helps

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