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Ormy's New Year Resolutions 2007
Ormondroyd Started conversation Dec 31, 2006
It's that time of year again: time to look back, take stock and look forward. I guess that all things considered, 2006 went pretty well. My main objective all along has been to continue succeeding as a student, and I can certainly give myself a bit of on that front. All assignment deadlines have been met, and I am still on course for a first-class BA (Hons.) degree. I am now in the final few months of my course, and will be starting my dissertation very soon. (In fact, as I've already had to hand in a 1,500 word plan of action for my 8,000 word dissertation, I suppose I've started work on it already.) The last mark I received for an essay was 78 per cent, and if I can keep up anything like that standard I'll be fine.
So far so good. However, looking back in this Journal on my resolutions from a year ago, I to see how badly I've done in another area. Last New Year's Day, I confessed that I needed to look after my fitness a bit better, because I'd been letting myself get out of shape towards the end of 2005. Well, guess what? I've been overdoing the
again towards the end of this year too, and on an overdue visit to the gym on Friday I found that my weight was perilously close to 100kg, a barrier I'm determined not to go through. So a detox January with more exercise is definitely in order, I feel.
There are one or two things in those 2006 resolutions that now seem a little poignant. Last year I finished my resolutions by pledging to get some in my life, and I've certainly tried to do so in the past year. I've been as sociable as I could be, and there is a gratifyingly large collection of Christmas cards on the shelves to the right of my computer. I've made a couple of great new friends during 2006. However, I am still single, and it's still a scandalous waste. I'll be seeing in the New Year by watching Jools Holland's Hootenanny alone, and in truth I'll be glad when the holiday season is over, because if you're feeling a bit isolated then the festivities just make matters worse. Of course I'll probably complain about being overworked then; but I am really looking forward to seeing all my University and theatre friends again.
So, let's keep it simple this year, with just the two resolutions:
1) Lose some weight and gain some fitness.
2) Write a great dissertation and get that degree.
And a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2007 to all my readers!
Ormy's New Year Resolutions 2007
Ormondroyd Posted Dec 31, 2006
Thank you, GB. I hope to meet up with you some time in 2007, when we're both looking slim and lovely!
Ormy's New Year Resolutions 2007
Santragenius V Posted Jan 1, 2007
A very happy New Year, Ormy
I must admit to being quite impressed with your success in studying. is in place!
I don't subscribe to new years resolutions - keeping it even simpler than you, you could say
Have a good one!
Ormy's New Year Resolutions 2007
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Jan 2, 2007
Happy New Year!
I've decided to take it very slow with any new year resolutions - I usually start out in full force and never follow through...
So this year I've decided to start by changing only one tiny little thing, and keep it up until it becomes a habit. Not until then do I add another little change.
Good luck with sticking to your resolutions!
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Ormy's New Year Resolutions 2007
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