This is the Message Centre for Ormondroyd

Sign of the times

Post 1


The other day I saw something I'd never knowingly seen before: a designer hijab. An Asian woman was wearing a headscarf that would have been in the traditional Muslim style, if it hadn't had Calvin Klein logos all over it.

I can't decide whether this should be seen as a welcome symbol of reconciliation between cultures, or a depressing sign of branding getting absolutely everywhere. smiley - bigeyes

Sign of the times

Post 2

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

Oh... my... god (or at least hers) smiley - bigeyes, how silly is that, but it's up to the buyer what he wants and if he wants to go round with a sliily smirk and going 'ba' then so be it. smiley - sadface

-- DoctorMO --

Sign of the times

Post 3

Greta_9, Keeper of the 4/4 Beat and Deep Sexy Basslines, in a strange condition

Maybe she was making a statement.
Whatever the statement was.
It is quite strange though - a bit like seeing a traditional kaftan with the Prada logo on it. It goes to show how elastic supposedly "traditional" cultures can be...

Sign of the times

Post 4


I suppose it is the flip side of when Nike (I think) made some trainers with arabic script on it back in the days of Salman Rushdie and the fatwa. It was pointed out that this text was from the Qoran, and they withdrew the shoes as fast as possible!

Sign of the times

Post 5

Number Six


Sign of the times

Post 6

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

smiley - laugh any parts I know?

-- DoctorMO --

Sign of the times

Post 7

Madam Kat, Goddess of things left writhing on the doorstep or half-digested under the bed.

Oh that's absolutely wonderful. Comedic moments like that really brighten up the day.

(Though she probably didn't actually intend to provide amusement for those of us wiv little minds smiley - winkeye)

Sign of the times

Post 8

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

you like it tho'

don't you?

-- DoctorMO --

Sign of the times

Post 9

Madam Kat, Goddess of things left writhing on the doorstep or half-digested under the bed.

smiley - huh

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