This is the Message Centre for Tube - the being being back for the time being


Post 1


I just wanted to leave a messege thanking you for the work you did on my piece. I really appreciate you keeping me from looking like a shmoe as soon as this thing goes up. I know that you could if you wanted. But I just read the thing through and it still feels like it's my work, so I'm glad about that too. I guess I got a bit scared that this thing getting taken would mean I'd almost be written out of it. So really, thanks alot. Stay healthy.

Jacob Dickerman (MrRollyPollyCat)


Post 2

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Thank for you kind message! smiley - smiley Not to worry, the UG is meant to "publish" entries the way they are (minus any spellimng errors, plus GML where necessary). But as a basic rule the written word is not to be changed. Thus the author will never be written out of an entry. smiley - smiley

If you'd like to know more how and on what code of conduct the UG operates, feel free to take a look at the <./>underguide</.> page.

smiley - cheers
glad to be of service

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