A Conversation for Robyn Hoodie, the Virgin Diary - Chapter 4: The Micelli Twins' New Cox

Leonardo DiCaprio?

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

'No tripping over oars, dogs or Leonardo Dicaprio.' smiley - rofl

Leonardo DiCaprio?

Post 2

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Any girl under 25 is at great risk if that happens. Or so they say.

Leonardo DiCaprio?

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

This is very vivid, and I learned a lot about sculling. smiley - smiley

It's a big sport in Philadelphia, where they race on the Schuykill past Boathouse Row.

Leonardo DiCaprio?

Post 4

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Actually, sculling is the two oars/sculls per person variant. An eight usually is sweep rowing (one bigger oar per person).

I do have some experience with a sculls eight, which is more suitable for long distance rowing (better for your back because your torso moves in a straight line instead of in an arc around the pivot on the outrigger) You can run against the shell speed drag limitations when sprinting with a sculled eight (if you manage to not tangle up the 16 scull blades before that happens).

Coaching for scull rowing is normally focused on technical perfection of the stroke whereas sweep rowing tends to be more focused on applying brute force without getting injured first, especially in heavyweight crews.

Leonardo DiCaprio?

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I am enlightened. smiley - zen I have never operated anything on water other than a rowboat or a canoe - and those very, very badly.

Elektra and I still speak of the time we attempted the navigation of the Nighthoover River. We were uni students at the time, it was fall, and the river was low... The sight of Future Farmer Hoggett and my sister elegantly floating downstream was inspirational...

Let's say we spent more time getting out of the canoe and picking it up over rocks than we did paddling. Also, I lost my wallet (and our bus tickets back to Pittsburgh) in that less-than-mighty river. smiley - whistle

Leonardo DiCaprio?

Post 6

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Great detailed description in this one!smiley - cheers

Leonardo DiCaprio?

Post 7

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

We once rented canoes for an hour on the river Rhone in France. When asked after how much time going upstream we would have to turn back to be back in time, he said 55 minutes. We were three minutes early. Getting upstream at all took a lot of effort. (and I know how I have to do it)

A lot of my story is from personal experience (I have had two coxes who were professional pilots, sometimes using pilot speak in races). Never met Leonardo DiCaprio though. Next month, I will be competing in that race again with the men's eight. My position is stroke. (I define the rythm, the rest should follow) Given the age of my team (average 54), I suspect we will not reach the speed described in the story.

Leonardo DiCaprio?

Post 8

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - cool and smiley - goodluck to you!

Leonardo DiCaprio?

Post 9

SashaQ - happysad

Yes, very vivid and informative descriptions smiley - ok

I hope you enjoyed the race last month smiley - ok

My only experience of rowing was as a child at Gullivers World Theme Park in little hand-operated pedalo-type things - something very pleasant about being on the water and moving under your own power smiley - zen Exhausting, though - every trip I would go on the boats for at least 4 sessions, until my arms and hands could take no more smiley - magic

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