A Conversation for Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Peer Review: A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Post 1


Entry: Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please - A87977966
Author: NeddySeagoon - U15002836

Hitchhikers guide book 7

A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Post 2


Hello - I remember seeing this previously in Peer Review here: F22165610?thread=8324130 where you said you considered this a magazine piece, and it was agreed that this would appear in smiley - thepost<./>ThePost</.> on 27th April...?

Please be patient.


A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Post 3


Got a fresh make over. Softened up the ending. smiley - smooch

A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Post 4

h2g2 Guide Editors

Here it is in The Post A87981448

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Peer Review: A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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