A Conversation for Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please


Post 1


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A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Post 2


Hello my capitan - thank you for submitting this, however this particular part of h2g2 is for factual entries. However you may wish to consider submitting this to <./>thePost</.> smiley - thepost, which is the weekly newsletter or the Alternative Writing Workshop or Writing-Alternative

Any questions please just ask. smiley - biggrin


A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Post 3


Not real user friendly. Need help navigating how to move page

Thanks Neddy

A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Post 4


I ve fallen into the water...........

A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Post 5

SashaQ - happysad


Where do you want to move your article to?

A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Post 6


Some where that gets Hitchhiker fans an idea that a new story is about to be released.
Thanks, Neddy

A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Post 7

SashaQ - happysad

Sounds like The Post A87969226 will be the best place smiley - ok

Are you satisfied that this article says everything you want to say in a magazine-style piece? If so, let us know and the Guide Editors will transfer it for you smiley - ok

A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Post 8


I believe it would be a good fit for a magazine piece. I did chop this foreword down to bare bones. If some can transfer it I would appreciate it.
Thanks for guidance

A87977966 - Hitchhikers guide book 7. Last Orders Please

Post 9

h2g2 Guide Editors

Thanks Neddy

We've transferred your article - look out for it in The Post on 27 April!

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